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This website should give you some insight on the Marcellus and Utica shales in the state of Pennsylvania. University of Penn State's geological department has these detailed graphics that show depth, length and areas that are the "sweet spots". As they continue to do more research in the Northwest, Pennsylvania region, such as seismic testing with thumper trucks and equipment I'm sure they will update the graphs with updated pictorials and information along with the natural gas companies findings after they gather production numbers with wells that are online. The anticipation is more than exciting for our area. Here is the link, it is pretty good with information too.

cheliped; the best way to see the "sweet spot" is to look at the Pa DEP map with wells drilled.  It will show two spots where the vast majority of the wells are concentrated in.  One is NE Pa up near the NY border towards the Poconos. The other is SW Pa south east of Pittsburgh....Green and Wash Co. The SE area is wet gas while the NE area is dry gas. Even though the NE Pa area is dry, it continues to be very active since it is so near to NYC and NJ....and Philly. Close to market means lower transportation costs.

The Utica is a different game. While early in the play, all indications are the Utica sweet spot is in sw Ohio....Belmont and Guernsey Co

Jim, I would be interested in your take on where the "sweet spot" for marcellus is in WV.  Wetzel Co. has alot of activity and Tyler has had a couple of good producing wells.  Marshall and Ohio counties are also active.   I live near these counties, so don't know much about the rest of the state.  Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Don't know a lot about WV but I would have to the northern panhandle would be the best. They may have both wet Marcellus and Utica but I don't know fer sure..Along the s Pa border should also be goon M.

I think according to the landman on each property, if your with chesapeake, that the sweet spot is under your property,,,

That is the answer i wanted to hear!!!! Thanks Tico.  However, i was just wondering where in PA would be the most valuable to a company (all shales).  I should have posted it that way - "Most valuable place to drill in pa - including marcellus, utica, rhinestreet ........"

Now that's an interesting question!  But, the reason all these targets are attractive is that they provide different hydrocarbons.  In a very broad sense, where the Utica is more liquids prone, you don't get much out of the Devonian shales.  Where the Utica is dry gas, the Marcellus tends to be of higher value yielding wet gas.  And where the Utica is overmature you get dry Marcellus wells, but good ones.  So the answer will change with time, depending on commodity trading price - if oil is high, SE OH and W PA is looking good.  Gas prices claw back up?  NE PA and perhaps W PA.




You are correct. Different locations of these formations provide different byproducts for many aspects of needed resources for many uses. That is before the extracted product is shipped before the extraction plant, and dissected by separation equipment on location to holding/containment tanks. What is sent to pipeline and mixed with merctapane(gives natural gas that distinct odor), think I spelled it right. On into scrubber units, compressor stations and into the main plants are, that is these hydrocarbons are further broken down to be used for many different things. Really going to expand the plastics and alternative fuel aspect for us. Can only imagine what discoveries can be made along the way when experiments are made when possibly combining the byproducts with other liquids. Which knows? Maybe a 50 mile per gallon fuel? Possibilities are endless.

The sweet spot will be in my wallet after a well is drilled and I am getting royalties.


the biggest problem is waiting for that to occur.  Did you get a chance to drive by the Drake well yet?

nope. went by the well off of 108 and the rig was gone. Rig left the Mayberry well also. Whats the best way to get to the Drake from 108?

take 108 to west park - then turn right on west liberty road


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