Please post your predictions for the new year! I'll start it off with my own vision of the future.

I will finally get paid my bonus $$$$$$ and go on a three day bender! (Thanks in advance to Hilcorp).

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Gas will remain sub $4 for the whole year.

james. unless  the middle east comes more undone.  also, just talked to a landman who said some investors pulled money back after obama was elected.

my land is leased with Chevron in the dry gas region of PA.....It's gonna come up for a lease renewal in a year.  I can't wait to see their offer but unless we get a LNG terminal, I don't see improving gas pricing trends.

I can't predict,but I do hope my newly leased land in Monroe Co.wil be drilled in 2013! DRILL BABY DRILL

I hope you are right!

FFF, from your finger tips to God's eyes!  That would be wonderful and maybe encourage more drilling in my area-Jefferson County, Ohio.

Lucky u!! :-)) I mean this reply to the gentleman who received his money.

Dorothy,are you a landowner in Monre,Noble,or Washington counties? if so can you tell me what Twp.Your property is in? I would like to know if you are close to me.Have a great day! Dan


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