We had a man  come to our farm  today and wanted us to sign papers to let them do Seismic testing on our farm.  The mans name was Mike Allstead from SEITEL, out of Monaca, PA. He offered us $5.00 per acre on our 76 acre farm. They want to dig 40 3 inch round holes , 30 ft. deep, put blasting powder in the holes . ( My Husband talked to the man, I was not here)  He told the man he needs to talk with me. I am to call him and set up a time after the Holidays to sign the papers. The man needs to come back and draw where the buildings and ponds are, on our property.  Has anyone else been aproached by this  company ? ANY information would be appreciated ! Not sure what to do ? Confused..... Many Thanks in advance for your information !

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And like you keep saying... prove this "Fact"... give me any NON anecdotal evidence that they have "found unhealthy conditions" and (as Jack stated) caused the ground water to be "cleaned up"

Surely the O&G industry is promoting this... they have to have some studies somewhere showing just how much good they are doing.... just point me to one of them.

okay.  Jack seems to have retracted his claim that O&G companies are cleaning up the ground water.  So I agree with your very long (and somewhat less fantastic) statement.

I'll Google to find info about this antifreeze issue in Dimock.  Thanks for the info.

RE: "Jack seems to have retracted his claim that O&G companies are cleaning up the ground water."

Once again you are falsely attributing to me a statement that I never made.

I cannot "retract" something that I never stated.

I stated that well testing pre and post fracking had discovered previously unknow problems with well quality; problems unrelated to fracing. Problems that can be solved, to the benefit of the person(s) who drink that water.

Here (once again) is exactly what I stated:

"it appears that fracing has done much to clean up PA's groundwater:

The well testing that has been promoted prior to and subsequent to fracing has shown many people that leaking septic tanks and surface run-off from dairy, beef cattle, horse, pig and poultry operations have been polluting their household water wells.

The well testing that has been promoted prior to and subsequent to fracing has shown many people that shallow biogenic methane and methane from the shallow coal measures are present in their water wells and (for their safety) their wells need to be vented.

The well testing that has been promoted prior to and subsequent to fracing has shown many people that harmful minerals (including arsenic) from the shallow coal measures are present in their wells"


The fracing of O&G wells have given rise to the custom of pre and post testing of water sources. This has led to the discovery of hitherto unrecognized issues in water wells; it appears that fracing has done much to clean up PA's groundwater. And, doubtless, the continued Industry provided water testing will likewise result in the discovery of additional existing water problems; to the lasting benefit of the citizen's of PA. Regardless of the reasons to test, any sane person has to admit that the testing of water wells is a good thing - only a true idiot would attempt to argue otherwise.

I stand by my factually correct statements.

Try to slowly read what I have posted; if you are having trouble understanding it, perhaps a parent, sibling, teacher or classmate can help - you would appear to have been one child who was left behind. A course in remedial english might help.

In addition to Googling Fang's noted discovery of waste anti-freeze in water near Dimmock there is something else to Google that is closer to your Pittsbugh area home. I do not have the reference, but I recall reading of a water test in the ex-burbs of Pittsburgh that came about as a result of a pre-fracing or post-fracing water test - this test discovered some truly nasty chemicals that were traced back to a long closed Dry-Cleaning Operation. If you can locate that article; you might perhaps post it here as penance for your sins.




           k is living proof that you can't fix stupid; not even able to admit that some good could possibly come out of well testing that resulted from the fracing of a nearby well.

Looks like we have got someone who knows how to "Google" but lacks the attention span required to absorb what he is reading.

No way that he will ever be invited to join MENSA.

The good news is that his strident denial of what is obvious helps derail the agenda of the fracktivistas.

The inability to acknowledge the obvious shows that the Emperor has no clothes.

Landowners come here for information, not fracktivist propaganda.

Leasing and ROW agreements are some of the most difficult documents any of us are likely to ever encounter; and we only have one chance to get it right - no do'overs.

I am happy that there have been people here that have helped myself and others.


People like k are unable to benefit from the facts and information shared here, they have already made up their small minds. At least we can work to prevent them from infecting others; our best partner in that is they, themselves.

It is to our advantage that they are totally blind to the fact that they are making absolute fools of themselves. The longer they are "on the hook" the more ridiculous they appear. I sure hope that k comes back ... free entertainment.

While attempting to twist the words of others they are soiling their own cage.

K is a useful idiot, assisting us in exposing the quality of thought that goes into the fracktivist arguments.

If the gomarcellus website gave out a prize for being the "Village Idiot", k's prize would already be in the mail.





This antifreeze issue is minor to what contamination happens from NG drilling ?fracking .A Heavy Industrial operation outside an industrial zoned area (which has been the way until the NG industry got it's exemption back in 2005 ) is just irresponsible and wrong on the part of the administration of the state of PA to allow it to take place ,but then again this is not the first time PA has allowed conditions that screwed up the environment .Seems the inbreeding might be the problem !

Mr. Ferullo, do not only blame the State of PA for allowing fracing to take place,

the Federal EPA. the DOE and President Obama seem to all like it as well.

You appear to be amongst a small vocal minority of delusional individuals who are unwilling to support clean, green Natural Gas.


Re: "Seems the inbreeding might be the problem !"

Self reflection can be a good thing - perhaps you are correct in suggesting that inbreeding is indeed your problem, without having a copy of your Family Tree, none of us can really comment on that.


Rather than engaging in ceaseless and senseless complaining, maybe you should take some concrete steps.

If you are unhappy with your adopted home, perhaps you might consider moving back to NJ; you might be happier moving farther away from the Marcellus.





@ Jack ...smart mouth  (No brains ) yep right on course ....Ha Ha ...Blab ,Blab !!!!I don't let little people like you direct my life .Moving involves a lot more than just picking up.Why should i change my quality of life for corporate interests ? If I could have what I have here possibly I would relocate (and not back to NJ for sure ) I love this state and am only trying to protect it from becoming like NJ where I grew up.So what's wrong with that ! I got much more respect fot the state then those that were born here .I fight to keep it clean and green not industrialized for the sake of money .Have some foresight beyond the cash it might broaden your horizons .I travel all across this country frequently and still love the hills in PA.I realize I conflict with your progression ,but to me at my age family and life come first NOW .Money is second .Also I certainly DO blame the state of PA for allowing this industrialized process to continue and spread without having the proper regulation  for people's health and controlled environmental expansion in place.It should not be a regulate as it goes process only the uninformed work this way !

I feel for Nancy ..I got 80 emails for this battle of opinions today..do you think that all of this has helped her decide if her family, horses or animals are going to be affected by doing seismic on her farm? As I said earlier Nancy I am just down the road and don't have a problem with you doing seismic on you farm ..

Gary, At this point, I am keeping a very low profile. Sure didn't mean to start all this arguing between good people. I appreciate all the good information I received.  I have been doing my homework and talking to people inTexas and watching seismic testing videos on google. I am going to a meeting in Greene township on Jan. 28th to try to learn even more. At this point....I am still learning. I have foals coming in the Spring and don't want the Moms upset. The man that came to our farm was very nice and is waiting for me to go to this meeting before I sign. My neighbors also have animals, At this point...I will probably not sign but I want to learn all I can. I find all of this very interesting but I need to learn more. Thank you ever so much for your kindness and understanding.  I don't know where you live but you know where our farm is... Please, feel free to come for a visit. Please, call first...I will be sure our rescue animals (blind) will be off the drive way. Looking forward to finally meeting you. God Bless.....Nancy

Dear Fang F Fang,  Thank you so much for your responce.  You have been a big help !  Many Thanks, Nancy


           Should you come to an accommodation with the Seismic Acquisition Contractor and the survey on your property is completed, please return and post you comments on how things went.

There is a lot of fear, and many have concerns about the process; these concerns are natural and appropriate, as this is a process alien to almost all.

It is through the knowledge gained through "real" experiences by those who have gone through the entire process that have "real" value to others who will find themselves in similiar circumstances (and needing to make similar decisions).

It would seem from other posts that not all Contractors are equal; particularly with regards their respect for the land and the Landowners. Fortunately for you, it would seem that Seitel have a good reputation in both regards.


Good luck and let us know how things go,




Thank you Jack,  Mike (from Seitel)..... stopped by today with a whole new  contract for testing. All of my worries have been added with this addendum. It cover all my concerns covering, no testing near wet lands, ponds, creeks and many more I did not ask for. They would be testing (if I sign) well away from where my horses are. The wildlife will not be around because of the people there. There will be 9 holes dug (not  40). They will not be bringing in large equipment on our dike by our small lakes and roads. My neighbors are far away from where they would be testing. So far, Seitel seems to be a wonderful company to work with.... we shall see what the future brings. At this point....I am very impressed.  God Bless, Nancy


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