Has anyone else in or around Meade District, Tyler County been approached by a Mr Zimmerman about conducting a seismic survey on your property in May or June, 2013? Good idea or bad idea?

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Hello Bob!  The first question I would ask is who is he and who does he represent.  An agreement must be signed, and you need to verify that this is a legitimate company with insurance-liability and worker's comp, and what type of seismic is being performed.  Does it use explosives or vibrating plates?  Will the have to cut down trees or make pathways for their lines?  As you know, that area has been studied extensively, so I would be wary unless I knew who they were working for-there's really no such thing as a "wildcat seismic operation"-some O&G company would be paying for their services.  Here's a great website that gives information on seismic from the OK Dept of Conservation.  Best of Luck! http://www.ok.gov/conservation/documents/Seismic_Survey.pdf

Ken, you the man!


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