Reference Mr Paglia's post, We have leases that will expire this year. Has anyone renewed in Bradford county with Chseapeake and gotten sign up bonus and better royalties?

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The well is not drilled yet, we believe, because the pipeline is miles away, so they are holding off. Yes we are in a unit, but we hear they want to double it's size and the leases are running out, so we expect things will be happening some time this year. They [Chesapeak] are also focussing on the new oil plays in Western PA and Eastern Ohio while oil is high and gas is so low.At a public meeting last year they confirmed this.

Are you certain you are in a unit? Not to be overly nosy, but I took a fast look on Landex. It shows your lease and CHK's assignments for their joint ventures but there is nothing filed for unitization or pooling.

Just being the devils advocate for a minute. Does your lease state they need to have a bit in the ground or paying quantities for them to say your lease is in effect? I know some of the older leases, just 5 yrs ago didn't have that language in it. I hope yours does since having a unit drawn (intent to drill) and being worked on may hold you.

We had a meeting with Chesapeake and they showed us the unit and all the people that were already leased in it. They would not give us a copy, but they did show it to us and it looked ligit to me. But who knows anymore? Thengs change daily it seems. Have faith and patience.

Oh I bet that was a theoretical (sp) unit, or just an in house idea unit. Unless its given to the engineers office it's nothing more than that.

Could be, but they paid a lot of bonus money up front to a lot of people. I doubt they would do all that on a whim??


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