We have been unable to find much information about DUX Petroleum LLC, a company offering to lease land in Washington County, Ohio.

It occurred to us that if we asked members of gomarcellusshale to help search, together we could learn more.

Please help search and post what ever you find.

The website for DUX Petroleum LLC is: http://duxpetro.com/ but there are no links of any kind - no telephone number or address, no "about us" links or any other information.

A search on corporationwiki.com lead to this link:


A search on bizapedia.com came up with this link:


From them we learned that:

DUX Petroleum LLC was founded 10/25/12

It has a single member: Adam Popejoy

Its principle address is: 4403 48th St., Lubbock, TX 79414-3601

Because DUX Petroleum LLC is so new there is very little information about it. The only option may be to search for more information about Adam Popejoy and any of the companies he is associated with,

Please post anything you learn.

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Searcherone: Despite my best efforts and those of Jay, Seeker, yourself, and a number of others, it appears that no warnings or red flags concerning DUX will keep  people from making bad decisions and signing with DUX.  It seems that Attorney Wells has such a good reputation in Washington County that his blessing and promotion of leases to DUX just simply overcomes all the research posted on this site that makes DUX highly suspect. Somebody said "The law is not designed to protect fools!" or perhaps it was "The law is not designed to protect people from their own foolishness!"  

As I have said multiple times in this thread, we need to wish those that signed all the best with the deal.  

Even if DUX does end up flipping the leases, it is still good for Washington county as well as the neighboring counties.

This play is still so young that I am sure we will see some amazing things occur in the next few years.  

Markus, you are a better and smarter man than to post such nonsense. I am not trying to insult you but you really are capable of better. of course we wish everyone who has signed with DUX good luck. Some of us are trying to wake people up who have not as yet signed with DUX to see the red flags, do their own investigation, and have an attorney of their own choosing review the lease and get some independent advice before signing.

Samuel, yes our best efforts have been given; and for a bit of humor or is this truth: quoting Jack Straw from another discussion "looks like LLC is begining to mean: Looks Like a Con"

Why any landowner interested in having a "deep gas" horizontal well on his property would consider leasing with any company not listed on the NY stock exchange and not having the necessary deep pockets necessary to drill these very expensive wells is incomprehensible! A landowner should only lease to companies like Antero, Anandarko, Chevron, Shell, Gulfport, Hess, Chesapeake, and a number of others. There are multiple articles on these companies and years of financial information that can be easily found by going to Yahoo and clicking on finance. These companies tend to have sophisticated websites and there is often information about where they have drilled and where they intend to drill. Yes there are a number of small companies, many private, that have the resources to drill the old conventional vertical wells but NOT these expensive horizontal unconventional wells. Finally there are the shell companies like DUX who apparently have no assets, and no ability to drill even the old conventional wells. These shell companies make money by leasing your land on certain terms. The catch is that you never get paid unless and until they find one of the real O&G companies like the ones listed above who are willing to pay these shell companies a lot more money than the shell company agreed to pay you. In effect they these shell companies have stolen your bacon and oftentimes its a lot of bacon. A prime example of one of these shell companies is DUX. I feel sorry for you nice folks in Washington County, Ohio  who are so gullible as not to see what is going on. Good Luck to you all ! So sign those leases with DUX and create a nice cloud on your title with a lease in favor of a company who has no apparent assets. When one of the big companies comes around and pays $6000 or $8000/ acre to DUX for the assignment of your lease and you get only$4050/ acre, then maybe your brain will wake up? If it ever does you will have one heck of a headache. If it doesn't... well ignorance is bliss!!

Come on all you DUX defenders. Surely you have answers to my last post. Again, I request sensible answers that can explain why you would sign an O&G lease in favor of DUX in spite of all the red flags raised by Jay, Searcherone, Seeker, myself and others. Has DUX invited you to fly to its corporate headquarters for caviar and champagne after you sign the lease? How many corporate jets does DUX have anyway? I apologize for resorting to ridicule. It is the only tool I have left after having exhausted all reason and logic!

Some time ago we appealed to the GMS community to help research DUX Petroleum LLC. The response was overwhelming and we wanted to thank everyone who helped with the research or provided their insights and perspectives. It is part of what makes GMS such a valuable resource.

For those not actively involved in the area we thought it would appropriate to give the GSM community an update on the DUX Petroleum deal and to ask, yet again, for more input from the community.

Despite all of the red flags and serious concerns raised on GMS the deal went through. According the Southern Ohio Energy Consultants website (the organization that promoted the Dux deal) landowners with almost 11,000 acres signed leases with DUX Petroleum LLC.

Many on GMS cautioned against signing a lease with any company that was only 4 months old and had no apparent assets. They urged landowners to insist on seeing a letter of credit or other statement from a recognized financial institution stating that DUX Petroleum LLC had the funds available to pay for the leases ($4,050 x 11,000 acres = $44.5 Million). None of the landowners we know of saw such a document. To all of the landowners involved in the DUX deal – did DUX or the promoters of the deal provide such a document?

Landowners were also encouraged to insist on learning what larger company was supposedly behind the DUX Petroleum deal. Again, none of the landowners we know of were given that information. To all the landowners involved in the DUX deal – were you shown any document stating which large company was supposedly behind the DUX Petroleum deal?

As nearly as we can determine there were no actual employees of DUX Petroleum present at the signing (as opposed to people working for the promoters or contract employees there to handle the paperwork). At numerous other lease signings with other oil and gas companies (Antero for example) there were company employees available to talk to landowners and answer questions. To all the landowners involved in the DUX deal – was there an actual employee of DUX Petroleum LLC present for you to talk to and to answer your questions?

Now, before the question of confidentiality comes up let's deal with it directly. Generally, if a landowner was shown the documents confirming the availability of funds or the name of the large company behind the DUX deal and they agreed to keep what was in the documents confidential they are only obligated to keep the specifics of the documents confidential, not that such documents exist.

If those documents exist we are sure that many other landowners involved in the DUX deal would be happy to agree to keep the contents of the documents confidential in return for getting to see the documents.

That is a shockingly said website. I built a site years ago and I know it would not take more than 1/2 a day to at least add "about us" link, a few page of anything. To only have a home page tells me I would never sign with this group.
All they did was hang up a sign but the doors are locked.

And notice, the management has 55 yrs. combined experience, but no names or pics of those managers.

Pathetic attempt at a website, but have no fear they are a "leader in petroleum exploration and production!"

"A LEADER IN PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION"..per their website, and an e-mail address for questions. They actually are a real O&G company who has drilled wells....NOT! I think its time for the e-mails to flow. They have 55 years of experience in the business per their website. Come on folks, start e-mailing them, and then post their responses. 55 years of experience when the company was only formed in October 2012?? Michal Householder, you probably know more about this?? If so I await your post in response.


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