George Mitchell: Hydraulic Fracturing Pioneer Turns 94...wish him well on GMS

Give your happy birthday wishes below. We will be forwarding these to him at the end of the week...

"The rise [in shale gas] has beenhelped along by a variety of factors.... But the biggest difference was down to the efforts of one man: George Mitchell, ...who saw the potential for improving a known technology, fracking, to get at the gas. Big oil and gas companies were interested in shale gas but could not make the breakthrough in fracking to get the gas to flow. Mr Mitchell spent ten years and $6m to crack the problem (surely the best-spent development money in the history of gas). Everyone, he said, told him he was just wasting his time and money." 

-The Economist, July 2012 

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Happy Birthday!!!  Thank you just doesn't seem enough. You have changed so many lives. Here's to 94 more!

George, we want to wish you a very Happy Birthday.  I have never met you, but want to thank you for all you have done to improve fracking.  It is great men like you that make this world a better place.  Hopefully America will be energy efficient one day soon due to the technology you have given us.  My husband and I are in a large group of 30,000 plus acres we are hoping to lease our properties and see how your fracking works in our area - we have lots of mountains in our part of W.Va (Randolph County).  If and when we lease our properties it will bring jobs and hope to the people around us and it will all be due to your incredible technology of fracking.  God Bless you.  We wish you all the best on your special day.  Happy Birthday!!


Dear Mr. Mitchell,

Happy Birthday. I am the director and producer of FrackNation a documentary which de-bunks the falsehoods in Gasland. I hope you have seen Fracknation and if you haven't I am very happy to send you a copy. Not many people get to look back on their life and say I helped millions and possibly even billions of people. You can. You have brought cheap affordable energy to people around the world. That energy changes lives, lengthens lives, enhances lives, makes everything gorgeous. It makes us free. For those of us who actually understand that, understand the joy of abundant, reliable, affordable energy I say Thank You Sir.

Happy Birthday job well done,

Ann McElhinney 

Happy Birthday, Mr Mitchell! Have a   blessed  day!


Happy Birthday Mr. Mitchell. Because of your hard work, we can possibly be on our way of being free of foreign energy resources who fund terrorism. Thank you.

Happy Birthday Mr.Mitchell.Because of your vision and hard work Ohio has become a large viable resource in the oil and gas industry.
Thank you.

Happy Birthday

Wish you all the best!

Dear Mr. Mitchell,

Happy Birthday and thank you for your ingenuity, foresight, integrity and perseverance which has gifted the world with hydraulic fracturing.  This technique which makes available the earth's abundant resources in an environmentally safe manner and frees much of the world's population from the oppression and demands of despots hitherto in control of the world's energy resources.  Lives of citizens throughout the world will be enriched by your invention and lives of those serving the the U.S. military will be saved, not sacrificed in our quest to secure the energy needs of a growing world population.

The entire world owes you a profound debt of gratitude. With deep appreciation and wishes for a most happy birthday!

Dear Mr Mitchell
Happy birthday and wishing you many good years ahead. Your perseverance and ingenuity has helped my senior partner and I along with our team, develop a very successful oil and gas drilling & production operation over the past ten years with a bright future ahead. We've been able to help lots of people through jobs, a solid investment for our investment partners and most of all the charity we've been able to give to worthy causes around the globe thank you again! You are a true American. Happy birthday!
Worked for you in Meadville, Pa. In the early 80s, met you twice , A man among men, What a visionary, have a good one!! Bob W.


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