Hello, I have 50 acres in Lawrence County PA, leased with Shell. Havent heard much lately, I dont live in the state, anyone have any update or info for me. 286 vinegar valley rd

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Unless you've been contacted for a pipeline ROW you'll hear nothing this year.


I know Ellwood Wampum Rod & Gun club signed a row agreement with Shell (this isn't far from Vinegar Valley road I think), as well as others in Wayne Twp. Shenango and Slippery Rock Twps. are seeing alot of shell row activity (agreement wise) also. Markwest went through New Beaver last summer leasing what row it could under the guise of connecting Shell's proposed cracker plant site in Beaver County to some point in Butler County. Coincidentally , the direction of this row points towards Chewton and the Gun club and towards the general direction of the current row activity in the other townships. Looks like 2013 is the year for getting infrastructure ducks in a row. Hopefully 2014 will see some drilling!

Well never been contacted, there are 4 of us who own the lease and none of us live in the state, who can i can i contact to find out about this cracker plant


If this land doesn't fall into their plans for pipeline row , I doubt you will be contacted,

If you search these threads for Shell cracker plant , you will find out as much as we know about it.

Perhaps the land man you dealt with can shed some light on your prospects for a row . If nothing else , keep an eye on GMS and sooner or later pertinent onfo will be posted. Good luck.


Shannon; glad to see you were successful in getting a lease.  Not easy when there are multiple owners, all out of state.  Shell has stated that they have no plans to put in any new pads in Lawrence Co this year. However, DAS is doing siesmic work all over eastern Lawrence Co and should have that completed by the end of the year. Also, Shell has been negotiating pipeline ROWs with landowners in Shenango, Slippery Rock, Scott, and Plain Grove townships. I am guessing that the line will extend into N Butler Co and maybe branch into Mercer and Venango where Shell holds leases. The pipeline will probably connect the Mayberry well and the several in Slippery Rock Pa. They also have a permit for the Henry well off of Princeton Rd but they have yet to start anything there.  Once these ROWs and the siesmic is completed, look for Shell to announce additional pads next year.

The cracker plant is proposed for the old Horsehead Zinc plant in Monaca Pa along the Ohio River.  They had an option deadline that ended Jan 1st but were given a 6 months extension. So that means they will either make an announcement this week or get another extension. Whatever they do will get extensive media coverage as it will have a dramatic impact on the w Pa economy.  Go to the Post Gazette Pipeline website to keep up with major news   http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=post+gazette+pipeline&ei=UTF-8...

And of course, keep checking in at GoMarcellusShale.com!!!

Hey jim, didnt get new lease, we were willed the mineral rights lease when my grandmother passed away 2 years ago! This is all so confusing. I read so many things but dont understand much of any of it, is there anywhere to go and put lease number in, to get updates or info on whats going

Shannon;  you said you were leased with Shell so I thought you guys signed a lease.  Is this an old lease? Is the land HBPd? Getting royalties or shut in fees from the land?

Leasing and the oil business is very complicated. Lots of issues to be aware of.  Took me many months to understand any of it and now several years later I am still learning.


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