Have you received an offer to buy your minerals? What State/County/Township are you in?

I'm in Ohio/Noble/Marion and continue to receive offers.  14 so far by mail, and another arrived yesterday.  Post your information and I'll draw a map of "mineral interest".    Have your offers increased, remained constant, or stopped coming?  Just curious, and it might be fun.  Thanks.

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Washington County, Pa

$4000 net (@12.5 royalities)

What a joke crunched the real numbers and works out to a little over 1/3 of our bonus.

Well(s) were being fracked when letter sent.

Thanks for the post.  The western edge of PA is filling in.

I just noticed that Washington county now has the largest number of "active" horzontal wells in Pa.

I received a letter from this company for buying my stuff. http://morrisrunpartners.com/ I have land right outside of Blossburg. I am not selling!

Tioga County, PA?

Yes, Tioga County. They did not offer any money but they did say a substantial amount. I would not do it anyhow, I'd rather take my chances on taking the long haul.

A year and a half ago we had solid offers from Lario, CHK, and interest from other low-ball players (Greenwood, etc)...while we were deciding between the two best offers, both offers disappeared (from others in the area too). I don't get it? We have 129 non-leased acres surrounded by leased neighbors (Ennervest's old leases and 1 new Lario lease) but no new offers? Perry Township Tuscarawas County - 6 miles from both Harrison and Guernsey. Any suggestions or insights? Thanks.

A previous post had an offer in Goshen Twp.   It seems that the oil companies are concentrating on the wet gas window to the east of you.  A few wells were drilled in the "oil" window with mixed success, so it may be a while before they develop the technology required to crack the oil problem in the western counties like yours.   It's all still valuable,  IMHO.

Bradford County, Pa   Offer 2 weeks ago for $5000 per acre to buy.  

If we  stay at our average current rate of production, gas price, etc. for the one well that is producing in our unit, we will match it in royalties(after deductions)  in 3.6 years.  (fingers crossed)   Less time  if you figure taxes paid on the lump amount.

LW - When you wrote "for the one well" did you mean one well or one well site - as in several horiz. frac'd wells from one vertical? Thanks and good luck!

Sorry N Bohl.  I missed this reply. 

"LW - When you wrote "for the one well" did you mean one well or one well site - as in several horiz. frac'd wells from one vertical? Thanks and good luck!"

It is 1 well so far on 1 well pad (approx 640 acre unit), horizontal in Eastern Pa, Bradford County.   So the potential for more wells.

New one this week for $ 8450 per acre . Harrison County Stock Twp.


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