Tell Governor Corbett to veto SB 259 and Protect Landowner's Rights

SB 259 was passed and is awaiting the governors signature.

In short is takes away the property rights of land owners in favor of expediency of forming drilling units for drilling companies.

Landowners will no longer be allowed to re-negotiate their leases , this is a violation of the protections of property rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

Please take the time to e-mail the governor and ask that he veto SB 259. towards the bottom of the page on the right is a tab for his e-mail. Plus there is a phone number.

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It's easy to do, may take 5 minutes.

People always want to complain, so here is a chance to do something.

Please make the effort.

Or call one of his regional offices.

Use the website below it lists all of the offices and the phone numbers.

This worked in Ohio, come on Pennsylvanians show us what ya got. Light up those phone lines !

Have you written that e-mail ?

Have you made a call ? Actually tomorrow might be better if you are going to call.

Area you referring to the no severance tax issue ?
There are still many issues that need attention in Ohio these days.
Stay on the job and vigilant - landowners' private ownership rights appear
to me to be seriously threatened.


No, I am referring to the SB259 issue.

Just multi-tasking here.

For now the severance tax issue is idle in OH. But there are some other issues here in OH to be concerned about. For instance some companies are attempting to mis-use the mandatory pooling statute.

Mis-use of the mandatory pooling rules;
A huge affront to private property ownership
rights if ever there was.


I and others are working with regulators and legislators to stop this abuse.

Everyone in Ohio should be contacting their state Reps and state Senators.

Are you planning on attending the screening of FrackNation ?

Too far away for us to attend but hoping
there's a big turnout.
Thank you for promoting this information. Gives a little hope. Btw, this does not have anything to do with me or my lease, but I can see the wrong being done once again from our legislators. Thank God, we aren't letting the bad guys tear us apart anymore. Let's Go landowners and all Pennsylvania citizens. Fight the greed! I emailed, will call tomorrow.


Thanks for helping.

Hope you can attend our screening of FrackNation on August 10th.

No, sorry. I am in Eastern Pa.


Should have also written a thank you for fighting the good fight for all of us.

Especially here in Ohio.

Being the cynic that I am I always look for Big Oil ulterior motives.  Perhaps all they want is to further delay the play and are using the time to build the best 'buyer's market' that they can build.

Playing the fiddle as Rome burns so to speak.

Just me thinking out loud.

Keep up the good work Mark.



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