We read in the Williamsport paper that they will be listing all the leases in the Marcellus Play over the course of time.  My question is is this legal to do what they are since they are even going to list addresses and even amounts of money they are to receive?  It seems to me that this would be an invasion of privacy.  Would open people up to being robbed or harrassed!  Anyone else read this article or have info on how they will take info from records in courthouses and print it in the paper.  I know it is "public information" in the court houses and all but when have we crossed over to putting it out into the media  -  Seems like a major error to publically announce these things with names, addresses, and amounts.   I know I would not want to have been the one to put this out there for all to see.  If this happens I feel that the media has crossed yet another line ---- one that could cause lots of problems in the future.  I hope they have thought of all to come with that including future crimes against innoccent people.

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The papers says it is so neighbors know -- but what happened to talking with the neighbors?
Some neighbors will share information, but some will not, because they do not want anyone to know how much they received for their lease, who they signed with, etc. This is to the detriment of adjoining landowners who would benefit from knowing this information, in negotiating their leases, etc. However, I would wager the majority of landowners/farms being leased are the older generation and do not generally share information with others, including family members; just a sign of the times they grew up in, when people were very private about their personal business. etc. This is why forming a landowners group such as the Friendsville Group in Susquehanna County benefits landowners in getting the best deal for their lease bonus, royalty rates, what and how things can be done on their property, etc. Those folks dotted all the i's and crossed all their t's in their lease. The problem I've seen from my friends who have signed leases, they saw the $$ signs when the landman came knocking and didn't do any research before signing their leases. Now they are hearing and knowing for certain of leases of as much as $7000 per acre and 20-25% royalties and are cryin' the blues. 20-20 hindsight is a wonderful thing!! Also, the depth of the Marcellus Shale (100 ft deep vs. 350 feet deep) comes into play when gas companies are negotiating leases, and if you look at the Marcellus map you will see how this varies in depth across PA.
My point exactly --- WHY would they want it listed in the paper than?
The lease information recorded in the courthouse (Recorder of Deeds or similar office anywhere) is public information, and is available to anyone who wants to view it in the office or who requests an electronic copy of the data to use on their own system. The county (Lycoming and many others) may provide this information for free, or may charge for it. Anyone, and I mean anyone, with a large enough check, can get the information and use it however they want. This is why you are seeing an increase in junk mail - credit companies and others are buying this data from the county and using it for their purposes. Do we say it's OK for someone to buy it and use it, but seeing it for the cost of a newspaper is wrong?
Costs for this information may range from $25 to $2500 to get an entire county's records. That cost does not stop anyone from getting it if they want it, except perhaps for Joe Citizen who can't spare $1,000.
Hopefully none of this public information leads to any type of a home invasion, like this poor women in Connecticut, who's home was invaded and driven to a bank to wuthdraw money, then murdered & house set on fire.

I don't think there is any question such things are in the cards for some. It is just a matter of time. But many landowners, as time marches on, will be readily identifiable as excellent targets for theft. It simply goes with the (Marcellus) territory.

Thieves won't catch on instantly. But once they do, and given the nearly non-existent police presence in many rural PA areas, it's gonna be easy pickin's.
I am not a subscriber to the Sun Gazette, but I have noticed on the internet that it will over a period of time publish the names and addresses of Lycoming County landowners who hold gas leases. I have land in Lycoming County, not leased, and I know that some of my neighbors are leased. I am interested to know which neighbors have leased or not leased, but I have not been able to obtain the listing from the Sun Gazette Website. Being as how the listing is public information and of great benefit to landowners, and Sun Gazette has done much legwork to compile it, i believe the listing should be published on the Go Marcellus Shale Website for the benefit of us who do not subscribe to the newspaper. Can this be done??
I question the the accuracy of the information from the newspaper. There are signed leases with clauses that prohibit the release of any contractual information to any public agency. The contract, in view of all involved, is that this matter does not become public until the PLAT maps are released. The first time I saw this provision was in Sullivan County 3 years ago. Addendums need to be used to protect the interest of the landowners and this is one that should be added to the contract.


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