Who here has a lease that prohibits this?



As is proven time and time again in the courts and Pa legislature, if you dont expressly prohibit something it is assumed to be allowed... nice huh?

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Listen up Fang, you have nothing constructive to say, so you hurl insults. I bet you wouldnt talk to me face to face in this fashion... and if you were stupid enough to do so, it wouldnt be for very long... not IMHO... thats a fact!

Actually Fang, from reading here for the last couple years, i do generally agree with most of what you say... not all, but thats cool.. I do see you as a landowner advocate, at least thats what you come across as. I am sure its not altruism though, but everyone has a right to an agenda. That being said, my whole point is that we all need to be vigilant. Not just in a finely crafted lease, but also we need to keep an eye on the industry, and their influence on the legislature, the governor, and the courts. Please dont blindly insist that republicans will have the landowners best interest at heart, because political party has NOTHING to do with a man's integrity. ( i dont know that you do that though)

Thank you Fang... agreed... republican OR democrat... keep a constant watch and ask them their intentions before they get your vote... also look at their history of landowner protection... Take for example one Garth Everett... i hope the people of his district dont fall for his bullcrap, and vote is lying butt out of office as soon as they can!

You have to be kidding.
Oil and has leases have nothing to do with storing nuclear waste,
Ya mo- Ron.

I did not take the time to read all the post regarding this issue, so I appoligize if Im speaking out of turn.  Nor do I ever have much time to blog or to follow up on blogs, so you may not see a response from me.  Technically I’m not surpose to blog.  But I do know that this is a hot issue because of the activist and the scrutiny that is being bestowed upon the regulatory community to research the health effects.  Whenever people hear the word radiation they think the worst and it’s a good buzz word for activist. 

I am aware of the typical radium concentrations found in E&P waste stream and how to properly monitor them.  They are present, but in negligible concentrations.  For example, in pure gas well flowback water, one can find Radium 226/228 at concentrations of 6,000 PCi/L, while the EPA drinking water standard is 5 PCi/L.  Thus the uneducated alarmist short answer is THAT’S HIGH!    However the routes of human exposure include inhalation and ingestion for this material, and as long as you’re not drinking and snorting the waste water, you’ll be fine.  The reality is that Radium is all around us in our environment and is also present in many of foods we consume on a daily bases.  Here is a list of a few:


Beer........................................390 pCi/liter

Tap Water................................20 pCi/liter

Milk......................................1,400 pCi/liter

Salad Oil..............................4,900 pCi/liter

Whiskey...............................1,200 pCi/liter

Brazil Nuts....................................14 pCi/g

Bananas.........................................3 pCi/g

Flour..........................................0.14 pCi/g

Peanuts & Peanut Butter...........0.12 pCi/g

Tea............................................0.40 pCi/g

So if you drink a gallon of milk you will have consumed nearly as much Radium as a liter of frac- fluid, however it’s the chlorides (salt) in the frac-fluids that will make you sick before the radium.  If you do the math you will see that a year’s supply of salad dressing will truly boost your radium intake, but many people that eat salads appear to be very healthly.  Just some food for thought.

Scott, you obviously did not read the article I linked to... they are talking about high level radio-active waste ... spent fuel from nuclear power plants.. nothiing to do with flowback water or salad dressing.

And Fang, I am not a "fractivist" I am just suggesting to fellow landowners/mineralowners to be extremely careful and vigilant when dealing with and voting for your state representitives, governors, and judges...  and that ANYTHING is possible when enough money is poured into the pockets of those who write and enforce the laws...

One summer at band camp I saw a squirrel drink frac water....he turned purple and signed his forest up with NELA to make sure sure his nuts stayed safe

 Sounds like a nuty story to me. But on the serious side regardless of the source radioactivity is not something one wants to be little. Think for a minute about all the troops that were nuked in the 50s and told see your ok your still alive. By the time the cancer set in their medical records and personel files were lost in a fire.

  Bottom line is can we trust our government or those that CONTROL OUR GOVERNMENT. After PA recent pooling signed into law who is running the government?

After the recent PA pooling law was signed I myself will take what I hear with a grain of salt and not with Energy In Depth as a side dish for that nutty flavor.

Yes Billy you get it. Someday a new law may be passed which could void certain portions of a lease because various operations were not specifically prohibited. Blanket statements in a lease such as "no disposal wells of any kind are to be permitted" may be rendered void by one quick signature. This issue (nuclear waste) and carbon sequestering, and other operations not even invented certainly could come to our farms if the powers that be and the O&G companies get enough money out of it... as per the new pooling law, our leases are not as tightly written as we thought. As was shown recently, its not only what you put IN your lease that matters, but what you DONT put in it that matters the most!

If it makes you feel good to stick you head in the sand... go right ahead and insist that this cant happen to you because you and your attorney were sooo clever to craft the perfect lease.... NOT!

You do not know much about contracts, it would seem.....
Call ODNR, and ask them about storing nuku'lar waste in a well on your property.....it isn't just something you up and do...not every location is suitable for SWIW even, let alone toxic radioactive waste.......

Shon, you obviously know even LESS than nothing about how contracts were just dismissed and sections made void by laws that were enacted recently in Pennsylvania...

Ya MO-Ron

No one is going bury nuku'lar waste on your property,
Using an oil and gas lease.
I suppose, by your logic, they could build a hotel and mall too

Malls have been built of farm land against the owners wishes, farms have been cut in half by highways, farms have been taken for airport extentions, which is fact. The question is why do our poiticians think they know best when in fact they are supposed to be representing US not themselves!


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