What is the deadline for filing and publishing production reports in PA?

Here it is August and still no Jan-June 2013 numbers........?

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I believe the deadline is Aug.14. Sorry, a day off. here is a copy and paste from the PA DEP page....

Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act requires unconventional well operators to submit production reports to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) biannually—on Aug. 15 for the period of Jan. 1 through June 30 for the same calendar year and on Feb. 15 for the period of July 1 through Dec. 31 of the previous calendar year.

Thanks Tom.

No problem, I'm eager to see them myself. My unit just got connected and I'm getting first royalty checks in this last week, so will be interested to see how the volumes reported on the check stubs line up with the report. Do know it will take a while to catch up as the first check is just for March, April and May and have only heard from 2 of the 4 JV operators so far but sure is nice to finally see some royalty!

Congrats! Hope you make a bundle!

Not expecting too much, I'm just 14+ acres in a 631 acre unit with just one well drilled, but even so far it's better than looking for dropped change in parking lots.


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