Who here has a lease that prohibits this?



As is proven time and time again in the courts and Pa legislature, if you dont expressly prohibit something it is assumed to be allowed... nice huh?

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Ok, so, based on this logic.....anything goes.
If you sign an oil and gas lease,
You could also expect they might bury nuclear waste on your property, build a strip mall, landfill/ dump, junkyard...open a car dealership, or a Hooters club, or gay bar.......the skies the limit.
If you singed a contract...even if things are excluded....they can do any things they want? Everything excluded, is included?

Shon, give it up...you're sinking. Stuff does happens/get real!

Those things..DO NOT HAPPEN.
Oil/ gas lease, does not equal, a contract allowing nuclear waste or carbon sequestration disposal wells.

No contract existed in the taking of the propertyt I had mentioned Shon. I twist in the law is what is called 

http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/FAQ/Eminent-Domain-FAQs now read it close what it says is we the powers to be can do dang well as we please. We sign contracts based upon current law at the time of signing. As in the PA pooling law they say well since you didn't object in the original lease  we assume you said yes. After all Shon you wouldn't want to be a enemy of the state would you?

We are not much different from the peasants of old,
It would seem...
In answer to your question,....I worship our all knowing and all seeing Masters, they do no wrong,...what else can I say, it is all being recorded for 'eternity'

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."


Typical anti-frack silly scare tactic. Absolutely ridiculous post. All leases allow certain activities very specifically and require that the land is returned to reasonably near original condition when production ends. Do you anti-frackers even know how silly your comments nearly  always are? How you just harm you own cause with this kind of nonsense? You sway no one except other fools.

Calling people names does not validate a argument. But rest assured what you see in print does not always end up being reality. Case in point there are many abandoned wells in Ohio that ownership, plugging is not even on record. Now who does a landowner or the State go after?

What Richard said.
Those abandoned wells, are pretty ancient.
The state plugs them, in answer to our question.
No contract ever says...what isn't specifically excluded, can be included,
And it is not inferred either as far as I know.
Although, I will be first to admit, that I do not know everything.
I have written a few contracts myself, that are filed with the County and were effective.i have also read and reviewed quite a few.
Bottom line....read it carefully, read it once or twice a day, over three different days, write down questions, then call a real lawyer.
Never sign the first time you read the contract.
And do not worry about them putting a nukular waste dump or quarry, landfill, biomedical wqste incinerator,cemetary, strip club or golf course on your property, using wording and terms that are nowhere to be found in your lease.

Shon in PA the wording to allow pooling or unitization was not in the contract in a lot of old leases, It is NOW the STATE has injected it into those contracts at the request of the RIP OFF OIL Companies

Thank you for pointing that out...
Now we know, if we do not want to pool a property, to write that in the lease.
It is true that name calling is not an effective way to convince others of our point of view, too.
I apologize to everyone, extensively.
I understand no one on the list is named Mo Ron


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