Do the drillers have to file for a permit to drill additional laterals out from a pad?

 I live in wills twp we have 10 acres and a well about a half mile due east of us.  From the information that went up earlier this year, I calculated that we missed being in the production by less that a few hundred ft.

the original info showed 3 laterals going out NW, does anyone have any ideas about how it goes for drilling additional lateral lines.  I've been reading that they are putting out 6 laterals now.  Anyone know about distant between lateral, I've read 500 so does that mean there is a thousand feet on either side of the central laterals?

thx for any information


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What state? In Ohio each lateral is a separate permit. Each company has a unique numbering system ie Chesapeake because I am famiiar puts 1-h, 2-h, 3-h etc at the end of well name. Each permit here is hung on a board aka sign at well entrance. For Chesapeake 1,3,5,7,9,11 will go in one direction while 2,4,6,8,10,12 would go in the other direction. Again each co is a little different but each well not pad has its own permit, required surveying, documentation submitted to odnr to verify leaseholds setbacks met, etc. Google odnr oil and gas to see their website. Shale activity shows all permits issued to date in Oh. Padep also haswebsite but not familiar with it.


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