EQT is busy tearing up Crane run Rd. off Rt. 146  hauling truck after truck after truck of water to their well off red lane rd. Dont know if they are fracking or getting ready to,or just drilling. Cant see the wellpad from any rd. They are also setting up on Cubbison rd, not far west from Northstar rd.. That drill pad is very close to the rd. And not far from a couple houses. Both wells are on ODNR's website. Small acreage drilling units.  Anyone got more info?

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Dobecks verticals done..

Equipment being moved out last two days..

Now weeez all waiting for the BIG RIG.. Horizontal...

Tues 19th

Dobeck pad has TWO holes drilled...

Kamm pad has had extra rock base put in and rolled down... prepping for big rig now...

Dobeck is a total of 2 holes.. all rigs moved out now.

Mike;  any news on the Compressor station proposed for Stewart Rd.?

Havnet heard a thing... all I see is a LOT OF NEW PIPING installed at Tenneseee Gas site on 313...

im sure they are just gonna run gathering lines from Cubbison and Crane run sites to Tennessee gas site...

they can separate the wet gas at the well head....so no reason it cant be shipped to

313 Kinder site...

Horizontal rig is being held up at a site in WV ...

All is QUIET on cubbison rd for awhile...

no lites.. no noise.. and nooooooo $$    :)

OOPS there goes another "rubber tree plant "   :) 

 old 50's tune for those over 60...:(

Oil tanker at 12 noon sunday 24th went out...

im still guessing at 2 a day.. as I don't catch em all...

Clark well is FLARING OFF GAS....guess that is normal to clean the well ??

Havnet seen any oil tankers for a few days.....

We need PIPELINES....:)

I have yet to hear if anything else is planned for Cumberland / Spencer Township. Maybe this is just not the area anymore. ?

Horizontel drilling probably will start after Xmas...

When the big rig comes in from WVa .. it is suppose to stay and do both Kamm and dobeck till done..

Only pad left to put in will be Tysinger...

Im sure after spending $40 million on cubbison rd area wells.. they will get em producing..:)

Has anyone heard when EQT will start drilling the crane run near iowa rd well site? 

Friday Dec 6th.. saw one oil tanker go out.. coulda been more.. but seems to be one a day....

EQT is keeping Cubbison rd.. clear of snow.....FULLTIME ROAD CARE....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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