I keep hearing different stories about Ashtabula Co. What is going on? Is there any interest to lease or not?  

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It will come. Especially the South and close to Portage. There is a lot of wells to be drilled and already leased land between you and the processing plants. Also Ashtabula I am told has a lot of complicated land issues, old leases, etc. I don't know as much about that as a land man or someone would. I'm an infrastructure guy.

What are they finding in Portage?  What are the good spots of Portage?

I heard that Trumbull county was not too good, to many natural fracture in the formation
I heard natural fractures are good and what they're looking for in the Utica ?
Maybe interferes with the fracking process?
I heard natural fractures are sought in areas where oil is thought to exist (pocketing pools of oil).
Maybe lack of interest because it's oil not the natural gas liquids which seems to be what it is all about right now
If oil was at $110-$120/barrel like 2011-2012 there would be more activity. Simple.


Ashtabula is a big county.

Based on maps I've read most of it is in an Oil Window of some sort or another.

These maps I've read indicate however some areas as 'LOW GOR OIL',  'HIGH GOR OIL', 'Black  Oil', 'Volatile Oil', etc. and Natural Gas is everywhere in the county.

I've also read that there are not even enough Test Bores to get a clear picture of what's going on down there.

I've also seen maps indicating the Point Pleasant as not less than 60' thick in north central Ashtabula County and the Utica as thick as 300' and about 5500' deep.

Based on all of those indicators, to then label / stigmatize the Utica in the whole of the county as not economic to develop, even if Oil were $120 a barrel seems to me to be extreme / unfair. 

Seems to me that you're not looking close enough.

Perhaps it's because there are other areas where there is Condensate and the Oil / Natural Gas are more easily developed.

Just my opinion as a layman landowner / prospective lessor in southeast Ashtabula County.

I believe the area/window that Joseph is looking/speaking/questioning about lies at the very North Eastern portion of Ashtabula County

These would be the areas (ie) Pierpont, Dorset, Richmond Twp, Lenox, Denmark, Cherry Valley, Plymouth, Sheffield, Monroe  etc. All are approx 40-60 miles north of Youngstown and they encompass a mass amount of acreage.

These areas are very close to I-90, Lake Erie, Route 11, the Ohio Turnpike, PA and Youngstown so I would assume that based on the need for transportation that when/if the drilling process should start that this would be a big plus in many ways.

Depending on who you talk to, what maps you have the opinions have varied from good to bad. I have not seen any specific hard data on line either good or bad.

The answer will probably lie in numerous test wells having to be dug and tested thru out the Townships I listed above

If anyone can add positive info about these specific areas please feel free to respond as any information is better than none,

*****Joseph...correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the area's I mentioned above are the ones you may be talking about.

I believe the area/window that Joseph is looking/speaking/questioning about lies at the very North East portion of Ashtabula County.

These would be the areas (ie) Pierpont, Dorset, Richmond Twp, Lenox, Denmark, Cherry Valley, Plymouth, Sheffield, Monroe  etc. All are approx 40-60 miles north of Youngstown and they encompass a mass amount of acreage.

These areas are very close to I-90, Lake Erie, Route 11, the Ohio Turnpike, PA and Youngstown so I would assume that based on the need for transportation that when/if the drilling process should start that this would be a big plus in many ways.

Depending on who you talk to, what maps you have the opinions have varied from good to bad. I have not seen any specific hard data on line either good or bad.

The answer will probably lie in numerous test wells having to be dug and tested thru out the Townships I listed above

If anyone can add positive info please feel free.

*****Joseph...correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the area's I mentioned above are the ones you may be talking about.

Those are the Townships but they are in the southeastern corner of our county, Bill.
Lake Erie's shore lies to our north.
Typos happen.


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