Oral Arguments: Feb.26, 2014: Ohio Supreme Court to hear Munroe Falls vs. Beck Energy; home rule regarding O&G drilling

At issue is: can local permits be bypassed by the O&G company;  Once again it is Beck Energy, just how many law suits is that company involved in?  Is Beck Energy the whipping boy or the point company to get all these murky issues resolved?



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Article from this week regarding the "home rule" case and according to the article this case is being watch by many cities nationwide; 

IMHO this case bottom line is really challenging the sole authority of ODNR to regulate drilling statewide, it isn't just Munroe Falls vs. Beck Energy.  A win for Munroe Falls would weaken the position of ODNR--but in reality it is the Division of Oil and Gas.

lol did ODNR ever think about the name: Division of Oil and Gas?  In today's world that translates to DOG!


Here is brief article stating when oral arguments are scheduled in the Munroe Falls vs. Beck Energy case.


I bet the Supremes side with the narrow finding of the  appellate court; that zoning laws that are applied in general can be applied to oil and gas activities.

If interested one can view the oral arguments live as they are presented to the  Ohio Supreme Court at this link or view a video of it later.


Thanks for posting.

Here is link to a good summary of what this particular case of Munroe Falls vs. Beck Energy is about.


Also if you haven't viewed the video of the oral arguments they are easily understood.   The Justices didn't hesitate to go right at the lawyers with questions and comments.  It was like the lawyers were being cross examined.


This is one you want Beck to win.  Zoning should not be able to prohibit drilling a well, it's not a structure.

The issue here is not whether or not companies have to follow local ordinances. The issue is whether local municipalities can pas extremely restrictive ordinances to keep oil and gas development from occurring at all.

If Beck fails you will see oil and gas development "zoned out" of many communities which have home rule; not a good thing.


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