Posting this discussion for people to update info on the new CNX Beachy well. Does anyone know how many wells will be on this pad?

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Don't know any money numbers. Just heard people had got paid recently. I wish Consol would report some numbers. Looks like they are going to wait until the 3rd quarter to report. Who knows maybe they will never report the numbers to the public.
Evidently they didn't shut it in, so I guess that's as positive as we can expect from them. It's frustrating, but maybe there's a good reason. Time will tell I guess.
this well is going to be put into production for sure. I also heard division orders are in the process of being sent out in the mail to people in the unit.
What does that mean? Division orders...glad to hear its producing. I'm hearing not-so-good but very vague reports about Troyer.
The division orders are sent my mail to be signed by people to get paid by the company. The order shows your decimal interest in the well unit. They will then direct deposit the money in your checking account or they will mail you a check every month.
I heard today this well is producing oil as well as condensates. I do not know any production numbers though.

saw several Brine trucks on SR 93 . Just wondering whether they are coming from the Beachy well. Hearing rumors that this well is not very good can some confirm this.

The water trucks have been running hard for about 3 weeks now. The permit is up for the pond, so it us being emptied and the water is being taken to a well site in southeast Ohio. I heard today that they may be having issues with getting the oil out...this is unconfirmed though.

"I dont know how old the image is though either."
The image is from this past September 2013.
871 barrels of oil for 31 days for 2013.

From these numbers above I came up with a landowner getting $36 an acre for that month in royalty. This number would vary depending on your royalty percentage on your lease. This dollar amount is for the 31 days that was reported for 3rd quarter 2013. No gas was reported.

Would like to see the oil numbers from the 1st and 2nd quarter 2013 for this well. I believe they did flowback and testing of this well in the 2nd quarter. Those numbers should come out in April. Could get a better understanding of what this well has produced so far this year with those numbers.

Beachy well went into production today with the ODNR.


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