where can i get- well plat/ plans - for wells for free in greene county ?

or can you get them with out paying ?

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You can go to the Bureau of topographic and Geologic Survey in Pittsburgh, located on Herrs Island - off the 31st Bridge, and look them up on their computerized database.  Looking them up is free, but to print copies out is $0.25 per page.

You can contact DEP or you can go to http://www.marcellusgas.org/    Its a pay site but only $25/yr I think.

+ 10.00 PER MAP 120.00   drilling 12 hole close to me . i would like to see all legs

what wells are you looking for?

jame rice 12H

They are free of charge by email from the DCNR at this site if Ms Schmid has them available. Give county, municipality, operator, and well name in your request and she will reply promptly.


Hi Joe if Chesapeake operates as Noble Energy does all you're neighbors that are within 30@0' of the well pad got all the permitting info before the wells where permitted. Including the well plats

i never did? and i am close to it 880 yards away ? being a 12 hole should i been notified ?  Chesapeake owned it sold it to vantage energy but chevron has my rights 

I'am not an attorney but I believe that if you are within 2500 hundred feet of the well pad they are suppose to check you're water and all springs and send you a copy of the app for the permit. Most of the companies call it 3000' so they can say that they are doing more then the law requires.
When you call DEP ask them about it.
Have they applied for the permits yet?
Why don't you just ask Mr Rice if he has a copy of the plot maps?

yes but , 5 wells was already drilled 2011 by cheasapeake  but, not producing yet.  vantage bought the well from cheasapeake.   dec. 1st  2013  they pulled rig back in to finish other 7 wells . and  are drilling as we speak . maybe i am jumping the gun? but chevron has my gas lease ? i was never told anything to date ? not even when chevron bought my lease from chief drilling . shame everything is a big secret . they are   clearing right a way for pipeline up road from my house . maybe i will get letter in mail ?


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