Ohio Oil & Gas Association hears 2013 figures at Winter Meeting

Interesting numbers presented to Ohio oil &Gas Association on the Utica shale.  Also some company remarks.   Interesting that Eclipse Resources drilled 30 wells, had three rigs and will add two more this year.   Rejoice all of you with Antero leases beginning 2015 Antero will drill 60 wells per year going forward.

Lots of interesting numbers in this article.


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pretty sure those 30 eclipse wells were just poking holes to HBP oxford leases.....they dont have many horizontal permits.

interesting. knox county and knox energy up there with the big boys. they have to be losing the ass drilling clinton gas wells.

I attended the OOGA meeting this week. There was a general atmosphere of enthusiasm by all participants. The traditional membership are the shallow, vertical drillers. They believe they are being squeezed out because all the sub-contractor resources have been absorbed by the out of state HZ guys. Not to mention inflating prices for services. Over the last few years, OOGA membership has doubled. They are challenged to serve both their "old school" drillers and the new guys. Very few vertical wells currently being drilled.


Thanks Bluflame. I guess KE and Artex are about the only two good sized vertical guys left. Did Larry W have anything interesting to say? I miss his insights. This is the second year in a row I have missed the conference.

Thomas, Jerry and Mark aren't dummies. I agree their business model stinks right now in this shale drilling environment. They know what they are doing. Remember this is the old CGAS team. Mariani and Jordan team. Follow them.


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