Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.
Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation
Phone: (717) 787-5270
PhILIP, wyalusing understands.
*POSSESSION is what? 9/10 of (not 'ownership')...
...remember PIRATES? Ahoy - matey! - when did THEY ever give back what wasn't theirs AFTER it was IN 'their possession'?
They've GOT 'our gas & oil' AND they have the money - YOU just end up getting WHAT THEY GIVE YOU... essence - we're all skewed. We're ALL being rather blatantly robbed - and all we can do is sit there (like 'the eggs' - ▶ THE CRACK! - XCUBE ONE WITH ADDED KINOCT! - YouTube )...& like it ('er, rather - TAKE IT. - good boy - now roll over & play dead. GOOD boy!)...ot go play pirate with The Eggs!
As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. ...all the king's horses & all the king's men...couldn't make that royalty check right for the LANDOWNER again...and neither will the politicians...OR G/O Co.'s...
I suggest CALLING YOUR Govoner and telling him YOU do not approve of the way Bradford County is being treated! America wants US to save their energy problem and in return we get SCREWED!
Help the people of Bradford County CALL do something, they are ALL on Face Book
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney Generals Office
The Five
Greg Gutfeld
Pa House of Reps, Republican Caucuas
It will trickle down to each and every person so do not think does not effect EVERBODIES RIGHTS and pocket books ! It is the start of being treated like second class citizens!
This effects us all!
What kind of moron would not stand beside their constituents for fair treatment?
I'll answer my own question; the kind that get $$$$ from the natural gas industry and can't win elections on their own merits.
Those "nay" voters should be run out of office!
Perhaps Naysayers voted that way because the changes posed were no better than what's on the books now. Study the history of this issue. It goes back decades, and wasn't particularly well-written the first time ... BY TODAY'S standards. However who was predicting the shale play 30+ yrs. ago? To vote FOR something just because it's different and sounds good to voters (who don't have to study it the way politicians and lawyers do) is not a sound idea.
Comments on this issue make anyone w/savvy want to do anything but run for office, and also gives pause ... if we don't do business w/ the O&G industry whatever will we do with our gas and oil?
It's time for a reality check. Complaining is easy. What's the solution?
Janice, Here you go again! We own the gas not the oil and gas companys, all the land owners want is 12.5%. So you think 4% land owners and 96% o&g company is right? yes or no
Please answer the question? Because I am sure some Farmers are on the brink of losing everything for them some have been going through this for 2 years!
I can bet you many gas companies would love to run our wells ! If people backed me I would run !
If not we will put a small timer gas person in business! I believe anything is possible!!!!!!!
Janice, I'm waiting for your answer.
The government has an arsenal of tools to combat royalty underpayment. The Department of Interior has rules governing what deductions are allowable. It also employs an auditing agency that, while far from perfect, has uncovered more than a dozen instances in which drillers were “willful” in deceiving the government on royalty payments just since 2011. A spokesman for the Department of Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue says that over the last three decades, the government has recouped more than $4 billion in unpaid fees from such cases.
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AboutWhat makes this site so great? Well, I think it's the fact that, quite frankly, we all have a lot at stake in this thing they call shale. But beyond that, this site is made up of individuals who have worked hard for that little yard we call home. Or, that farm on which blood, sweat and tears have fallen. [ Read More ] |
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