I haven't been posting on here much since the weather has gotten a little better and have been able to be more outdoors getting some stuff done on the the farms. But I have been following most of the post on mineral values and felt like I had a couple of things to add to the conversations. First and foremost, most of us on here are or should be on the same team. It sure seems like there are some ego's on here that are clouding the facts.
First let me say that I see people on here all the time asking other land owners myself included, what their royalty checks are and what their royalty percentage is. Sometimes people on here act like its some type of big secret or that it's going to predict what their royalty payment's are going to be in the future, or give them the answer to should they sell their mineral's or keep them. I don't have a problem telling people what my royalties have been. They have just been so unpredictable because of the wells being shut in sometimes because of drilling or fracking it's hard to give a real number. I also just don't see how it is going to help someone that lives 40 miles away from my farm that might have longer or shorter lateral's or more lateral's on a pad or if they're more in the wet gas window or dry gas window. I think all the information that someone needs to get a fairly good estimation of what their royalties may be are right at their finger tips here on the internet.
All someone needs to do is print out the latest ODNR report from the internet. Find a pad on the ODNR website that is near your property and find the corresponding wells that are close to your property. Take the daily production of the wells that are the closest to you, and multiply that number by 30 days to get a total monthly production numbers, and no, I am not saying all wells are in production 30 days a month. If their are multiple laterals on the same pad do the same thing for all of the pads in the production unit and that will give you a pretty good idea of what the monthly production will be from that production unit. All you have to do after that is either look on your divisional order that you signed with your O&G company to find your decimal interest or go on line and use one of the decimal interest calculator's to determine your decimal interest in your production unit. Then take the total monthly production number from your production unit and multiply it using your decimal interest in the production unit. If you have a deduction clause in your lease subtract 20% from that number and that will give you at least a ball park figure of what the monthly royalties should be from your royalties. Now there are a lot of variable's that can come into play such as how much is Oil, or how much is Natural Gas Liquid's and how long the well has been in production. I have personally done this myself many times and it does give you at least an idea of where you stand.
As far as whether to sell your mineral right's or to keep them in hopes of being in a production unit. I think that is a decision that needs to be made on a individual basis, only you know your finances. But, I think by using the ODNR production figures and charting the production numbers it should at least help a landowner to figure out which decision to make that will be the best for them. I think in the end it should come down to a land owner's financial position and at what stage they are at in their life as it should be.
I hope that a lot of us on here can just remember that it is more about helping everyone on this site to stay better informed, and less about themselves as individuals!
That is one of the best posts I have ever read on this site.
Thank you.
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