Landowner Group in East Clearfield, North Centre County Marcellus Fairway

I'm a landowner in Eastern Clearfield County, and I'm getting tired of the games being played by the Drillers and their Hired Help (Landmen).  I've been looking for a landowner coalition in this area for some time now, but haven't found one.  Does anyone know of one?  If it looks like there is enough interest, I'd be willing to form a landowner coalition in this area.  Anyone else?  What say you?

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What Township are you in ?
Karthaus Township.
I am currently working with a group in Rush Twp. Centre Co. I will let you know if we expand in your direction.
We've taken quite a few leases in Karthaus twp. Never heard anything about any landowner groups up there.

-Mike Knapp
Knapp Acquisitions & Production, LLC
I own 50 acres in Karthaus Twp. I was approached by someone for EXCO within the past month. I would be willing to join a group. Not exactly sure where my property is in Karthaus, I only own the mineral rights that were passed down to me.
Friend request me so we can discuss. If they gave you a lease offer, it should have a property description. We can also check on landex if you know who owns the surface or when the gas/oil was reserved.
Guys give me a call or email....I have mapped the entired central PA Leaseholdings of the producers, the existing and plan pipelines as well as all of the markets....happy to help....have sample leases as well.
I can help...check out ABC Mineral Group on the web
hey Peter,
Maybe I do not understand how to use this site but what I am attempting to tell you and darcy is that I have the leaseholdings of every producer in Clearfield and Centre, every tax parcel number, their drilling plans, all planned pipelines, current regulatory and economic activities, all active drills and all permits........................happy to help, my firm is Clearfield Energy father owned the Clearfield Dinner for 40 years until I graduated in Mineral Enonomics back in the 1980's.
Good luck,



I am interested in your maps for Clearfield and Centre counties, however, I have not been able to find any contact info for Clearfield Energy Services.  How can I reach you?



I would love to see that map if you still have it

Please contact Clearfield Energy Services, LLC

602-751-3833 Please ask for Chris Banik and tell him John Interval told you to contact him!

Thanks, John


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