So in my deal I got about 200 acres, lots of people looking at it...problem is who is actually going to drill? So I have decided to consider leasing only to a couple of different people AND ONLY THEM.  why? because I searched the court hosue like a mo fo to find parcel numbers and people and mineral rights and exsisting or new lease all around my property...I went as far as 600-800 acres away from me and mine.  Then looking at the leases with companies on the far east coming forward  to me and the same on the west, north, and south.  Once I figured out which companies could potentially get the property around me with me and get that 640 acres the WANT( some say oh but they can drill on 40...uh huh and monkeys might fly out of my....the CAN but they more than likely wont.  they want as much acreage together that they can get  before they put up a 2 million dollar well...wouldnt you?)....I added it up and responded to the companies that had shown an intrest in my land that are obviously working on the numbers there to get something going. and now I wait and see their offer... you cant control everything but you damn sure can increase your odds and dont believe anybody that tells you otherwise...all this knowledge has gotten three companies chomping at the bit for my land causing a little bit of a bidding war for our land and therefore making the price go up....KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!! get out there search to high heaven, ask everyone you know, look at the tax maps, pull all the deeds, find the surrounding the lease out the wazoo and then reread it taking in each word by win win win!

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What county are you in ?
I am in Greene county ... you? :)
I'm in washington co. buffalo twn... I sign with range resources in april 17th. i have 35 ac.


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