Continuing with the weekly permits I will post them under this discussions as individual replies to make it easy to compare from week to week if one wants to.     Utica Shale come back anytime.  Everyone feel free to comment.

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Permits for week ending 6/7/2014:


one permit for XTO in Belmont Co.; this well the Cook also has two Utica permits this week making the well a stacked pay/play.               no rigs drilling


32 permits;  40 rigs drilling   10 companies receiving permits

Belmont- 3









My comment is Gulfport is drilling their first wells in Monroe Co.  All seven permits were to Gulfport.

No link to Marcellus this week as no permits and no rigs drilling.

Link to Utica permits:

46 rigs drilling;   37 permits;  8 companies with Gulfport having the most permits;  6 counties with Monroe and Belmont having the most permits;  does appear that the Monroe and Belmont area is the hotspot at this time.

Belmont    10   The XTO  Pavich permit begins in Belmont and laterals end in Monroe

Carroll         4

Geauga       1   This is the second permit in Geauga

Guernsey    4

Harrison      7

Monroe      11

Great post. I hope u keep em coming

Here is interesting summary article about the six counties with over 100 permits each and the seventh one that isn't far behind.  Article says in these seven counties is where the development is and names two counties that are promising going forward.   All are southern counties.

For week ending 6/24/14

Marcellus:  no permits; no rigs drilling

Utica:      45 rigs; 32 permits in 7 counties; with 8 companies receiving permits;   the winners this week are Harrison,  Monroe, and Belmont.








There are two permits issued to HG which we have been discussing sold to McClendon, perhaps those permits were in process before the sale which probably isn't finalized yet.  What does anyone else see interesting in this set of permits?

And if anyone is interested I can keep all of the older weekly maps here (each week stacked up). Clicking on the "large map" link and adding additional filters helps to focus in on what you are analyzing and comparing.  I like comparing maps side by side and adding more filters to see what has changed, made is easy to report weekly change here

And a visual of the tab showing where the new permitted wells are located. Note that these are surface locations so you need to zoom in to see multiple wells. I am working on a new format to show bottom hole locations, coming soon. And you can go to the filter tab to add other things like operator, county, township, etc. and filter down further. Sorry, I am a bit of a map geek. 

Thanks you and please keep the information flowing.

Thank you so much for the report and maps

Permits for week ending 6/28/14

MARCELLUS   no permits;  no rigs drilling


24 permits issued;   41 rigs drilling

permits were issued in five counties;   five companies received permits;  rig and permit count is down slightly over the past three weeks numbers






Link is here:

total  count for June according to my math is 1 Marcellus permit and 125 Utica permits.

You can see the 24 new wells here, mapped out here (June 28 update) 

(surface locations so it looks like less, bottom hole locations on another map if you are interested)

After all it was a holiday week!

Marcellus:   no new permits;   no rigs drilling

Utica:     one permit issued in Belmont County, York township to XTO for the Schnegg unit

              44 rigs drilling


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