Does anyone have any experience with selling their royalties for a lump sum payment? If so, who did you use and what formula do they use to calculate a fair price?

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What state, county, township, lease operator, total acreage, LOR?

Pa, Fayette county, washington township.chevron is well driller. A total of 160 acres with 30 acres being ours. My share is 3.125% of the 12.5%. Not sure what LOR stands for? There is a total of six wells in the consortium.


Are you in the Fayette Beagle Club Unit?


LOR=landowner royalty

So 12.5% total, you own 3.125%.  Your acreage is 18.75% of the unit so your NRI is .005859, or .5859%.  I don't know, if I was buying that I'd say maybe $30,000?  But then again what do I know?

It is the. Rosul unit, they are just finishing up on them. We are next to the beagle club unit
Later I will post the estimates that we received from chevron. It breaks down the acerage and other details.


I have been working on Net Present Value and Present Value calculations for Oil and Gas wells.  See attached PDFs and Xlxs Files.  My ultimate goal is to develop a method whereby landowners could get some idea of the value of their income stream.  Your situation should be relatively easy to analyze since there is so much production data for the Beagle Club.  That will give me a chance to develop my method with I have been planning to do.  I'll look into your situation - give me a day or two.  If you don't want the method and results posted here then friend me and I will take this discussion offline.

The attached analysis is underdevelopment.



Here is the correct Kebler 1H.pdf

Phil, I appreciate your willingness to help. I will friend you and wait to hear from you. I really appreciate this.


The first pdf I posted above came off the wrong drive.  I can't edit that part of the post so I will delete that attachment and put the correct file in a post below the original.



To complete my calculation I need the total acreage in the unit, percent of your acreage in the unit and your royalty percent.  Privately if you want.



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