Im going to visit a friend who lives in the northwestern corner of Monroe....about a mile from yontz well. He is taking me for a tour. He said they hit another gusher near the yontz. Big surprise. They are fracking his unit now. I wish I had more info. I will update everyone after the visit. If anyone has any specific questions I can try and find out.

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I got all 5 wells to show up by clicking on the picture. Is the other small light the moon or someones outside pole light?

Hey, good discovery!  If you mean the small light blob on the left, those are construction lights on the Warner pad before the rig came in.

Great pic hiker. What it doesn't show are all the pipe cuts and road changes. Probably looks like a spider web from space. We also stopped by the process plant in summers ville. Wow. That thing is big. I heard they bought most of the town. Is that correct.

Although it's about a year behind, Google earth is fun to look at and trace the pipelines from pad to pad, through compressors, and finally to the Markwest plant in (Summerfield).   That's a common rumor about them buying the town.  Not so.  Antero has been leasing individual town lots slowly, and I'll bet they are the ones who will eventually own the town lol.... 

Markwest bought the land from Consol, and there's lots more Consol land to the west and North that would be a whole lot cheaper than buying the town.  Right now, they are busily filling in and grading the existing property for the fourth separation facility between plant #1/2 and #3, but there is talk about them expanding further to build #5 and #6, and maybe a de-ethanizer.  If true, they certainly will need more land.  This thing is huge.

Huge just doesnt do it. I was blown away with the changes. If anyone has a doubt were the hot spot is....just take a drive around northwest Monroe and the doubt will disappear. I drive all over for work. Up to east Liverpool north. Zanesville west parkers burgh south and clarksburg east and there are changes everywhere but not like Monroe. That's great for a county hit hard by Ormet

The Google Earth satellite pics for Monroe were done in October 2013 so they are almost current.   It is well worth one's time to learn how to manipulate this map.   One can pin locations and using the sidebar go directly to well pads or whatever you mark including your property.    Also the aerial view is better than a drive by of the sites because one sees the detail.

Jason, you mentioned Ormet and this week there is to be an auction in bankruptcy court for Ormet.  I keep wondering if some company in the O/G business might purchase it as the site would be large enough for some type of processing or whatever and there is great rail, river and highway access.   Is anyone hearing anything?   Thursday I think is the auction date.

Another cool thing about Google Earth is that it allows you to see old satellite photos to see how the landscape has changed.

Good question. Do you know if it is a hazmat hell. I hope not. You are right. That is a great location for something like that. They will keep that one under cover until after the auction. I'm sure they would love to get it cheap. I can't see why someone wouldn't take advantage of all the site has to offer. There is a lot of buildings and equipment. I'm sure some of it could be put to good use. I hope it doesn't go to some salvage company that empties the site and leaves the junk. Years ago that would have been my bet but not now things are different. I hope it doesn't turn into another pile of rust along the banks of the river.

It has to have hazmat problems as at one time it was on the Superfund list, but supposedly they did work on it, so maybe it no longer has the problems.

The Ormet site was officially sold the 31st day of July.   Today's 8/22/14 Wheeling Intelligencer says that three different companies are looking at the site, including oil and gas companies.   According to the owner who bought Ormet out of bankruptcy he will/would divide the 1600 acres of property anyway these companies would like to do it.  He also mentions the barging facility that is in place at the site.

IMHO perhaps not all of the site will go for O/G but there will be some type of O/G presence there.  This company is going to make a very quick turn around on this investment.

Everyones saying the want to developed the area and in the same breath they talk about not firing up the smelter. Its all b.s. until someone starts actually doing something with it. Its a prime location. Its just a matter of figuring out wat to do with it.


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