No offers in the past 3 months. Highest was 10,000 an acre on 65.7 acres with Bounty Minerals. Middle offer was with Midwest Land Services 6700.00 Lowest with Stategic Land Partners 5600.00.. ( all 5 months ago) All offers denied. Im leased with chk but see hess is working on well pad 2 miles from me.. No pipeline close but I am thinking it getting close.. We are on the border of dry/wet..  Only 15 months left on lease. Im going to send a surrender of lease close to the expiration date to chk. Hope I can renegotiate with another company.

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Good evening,Jim. Where is the Hess pad located?

Right outside of Harrisville towards towards Rt 9 Fairpoint St. Clairsville area. They put the pad in a year ago now they have flagged the pad and are bringing in equipment. Its a stones throw away from the wells in New Athens.

Thanks for the response. I'd like to go by and see it, if it's visible from the road.

Yes it is located right along the road. Not 50 yards off of it! I believe it consol owned land? Dont quote me on that..High street road off of rt 250 in Harrisville by the cemetary to well pad., maybe 2 miles.

Jim, I'm not sure what's going on off of Lamborn rd. but it looks like a drill rig,and some misc. equipment. Company name on drill rig is Minichi Energy.

Where exactly is Lamborn Rd?

Lamborn Rd. Is off of Unionvale Rd. and heads toward Adena and Foxes bottom Rd. It runs along Penova ridge.
I just looked at their website. It looks like its just a staging area for them to keep equipment . I had been wondering the same thing.

what is your rotalty %



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