Anybody know how the well turned out that Cabot drilled on Larkmead road near Parkersburg WV?

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I have been very interested in the results of this well also.  The only information that I have found so far was in the 2nd quarter 2014 earnings call transcripts.  I am assuming the rig they mention working in the utica as an exploratory project is the Wood County WV well.  All they say is that they are optomistic with the geology they see and they may be able to release some initial results later this year.  See the transcript below.


Andrew Venker - Morgan Stanley, Research Division

Okay. And then lastly, can you speak to the potential you have in the dry gas Utica in West Virginia or even if there's some potential issue there?

Dan O. Dinges - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President and Member of Executive Committee Well, yes, we're in the Utica play. We have some acreage to the North, over 50,000 acres to the north area of the play, and we have some extensive acreage to the south area of the play, where we are. Whether it's the dry area or the liquids rich area, the Utica, we are looking at it. We're evaluating. We have a rig active at this point in time, still an exploratory project for us, but we're optimistic with the geology we see.

Andrew Venker - Morgan Stanley, Research Division

And Dan, is there a potentially get an update on well results this year?

Dan O. Dinges - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President and Member of Executive Committee Possibly. We're -- we can't guarantee anything at this stage, but it's certainly very possible that we could have some initial results this year.

Guys at the bow shop said it was a dry hole and they pulled out and left.

I looked at the permit activity for this well and see that form WR38 was submitted to the WV Department of oil and gas a couple weeks ago.  This form is for plugging and filling a well.   D L T  -   It looks like the guys at the bow shop may have been right.  Very disappointing though. 


107-01746 1 Vertical Well CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATION WHITLATCH, JOHN & SUCK, ROBERT CABOT WOOD #1 WR38 Received 08/29/2014 4342210.7000 447526.8000 83

I read where the rig drilled a well in Putnam county, before it came to this one, for cabot. It was to the Rogersville shale at a depth of 14,000 feet. Any one know any thing about it.  I hear the Rogersville is the next big thing

I have heard rumors that Cabot's Utica well on Larkmead road in Wood County drilled last month had hit the oil window of the utica. 

Cabot had reported the well to be a "dry hole" and plugged the well.  There was also word that it was expected Cabot would bad mouth the area so they could get leases in the area for less money. 

It was also stated that Cabot planned to plug this well regardless of the results to allow them to obtain leases in the area for cheap. 

According to Cabot it was drilled to 8,000' and the bit came up with a "black gooey substance". 

Another indication that the Cabot report was likely false is a company with an Ohio address recently sent flyers to people in the area stating they want to buy mineral rights.


I have property in the Lubeck area and did receive one of the flyers.  It was from Trailways resouces.  I received it in early September.  


This may all just be rumor but I hope there is something to it. 




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