Some true,some hearsay...Aubrey is looking for a site to build his regional office with a Cambridge address.  Aep Utica is looking to drill a well behind the General store in Old Washington,early feb.   .AEP is drilling now in Harrison co. Rice will be moving their big rig from Belmont co. to daddy Shugerts well in Old Washington,soon. Bluegrass Pipeline coming thru the county this year. Compressor  station for Antero's well below Senecaville is ready to fire up any day.  Gulfport is sending rigs to Guernsey soon. EQT is wanting to drill 21 new wells in Guernsey this year. Carrizo has 2 pads built,ready to roll. Cheasapeake,all of a  sudden,likes Guernsey,better than Carroll. The company wanting to build an apartment complex at the I-77/Rt.22 site has agreed to help finance a sewer plant needed at that site& Coventry Estates. Motel to be built across from Pilot on the hill almost ready to roll. Some landowners near Quaker City are getting offers of $13,400. per acre to sell their Mineral rights.  Any other tidbits are welcome. You hear things from credible sources that may not even be true,but you be the judge.

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Bill, did he explain what the box is for?  Would you you mind posting a photo of it? 

Sounds like they will be doing a  seismic study and it may be 3D,

Hi Bill, was the contract you signed for TGS? If so it was for a geophysical seismic survey... They look a mile underground to see where the sweet spots are and then send this info to the drilling companies and they know exactly where to drill for maximum out put...

I don't have this mans name, but he works for TGS - NOPEC Geophysical Company, and wants to conduct a 3-D geophysical survey on lands that I have an interest in the surface, minerals, or oil and gas leasehold in Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Guernsey, Noble & Tuscarawas  Counties, Ohio. This is a Seismic Permit Request.  Project: Freeport 3-D South Permit No. 1968. I don't have a picture of this box as it is not here yet, but did say that it is like the ones that you probably seen along Rt. 285 and else where, he called it a glorified extension cord .

Hi Bill, Yep I signed a permission slip to let them do this on my place too.... It will help in determining where the sweets spots are  and give the drillers a better chance at finding them.. Better for us who are in a drill unit to let this happen because a better well means better royalties. :))

Aubrey is getting started on building his regional office building by the airport. Dozers have the site graded. Should be able to see it for miles. It may not be allowed to be very tall because of the airspace? Maybe the Daily Jeff can get on the ball and print some pictures of it?

My real name is mike neilson so I will get that taken care of Bo


No no.Bo.  Just mess in 

Can you get a pic of that  :)

Well....just as we thought the....the  Law well stopped at the Salesville limits.........

Is there any insight within Guernsey County about Anadarko's plans to drill? They hold a lot of leased acreage yet have done nothing for 18 months.


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