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Own land or own leases?  Because they have leases in many, many counties.

they for sure own land in stark county ...they are building a work center just south of louisville that is on over 200 acres 

mike,they recently sold 60 acres of that property to their spin off  77 energy and some site preperation is going on there now.

from what I see on google earth they have an office building built and a big parking lot and if they sold 60 acres to 77 energy they still have over 150 acres they own 

They bought 290 acres in the Louisville Industrial Park on Beck Ave in Louisville.  The sign in front of the 5 story building they put up, which took over 2 years to complete, now says their address is on Energy Drive.  The sign has been up for months and the building is occupied.  The fenced in lot to the west of the building has stored fresh water tanks for Great Plains Oilfield Rentals for more than a year now.

You can get to the building via Beck Ave off Georgetown, head north on Beck, or SR153 (aka Mahoning Avenue) and head south on Beck avenue and cross over the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks, or Energy Drive off SR44 and head west.

There is a company that stores Oil Field Pipe across the street (to the west) of the office building.


are you looking for Land Ownership or Land Leased?

This is all the drilling to date in Ohio. 

While it will not tell you all the land Chesapeake has leased you can see what counties they have wells in to date so they had at least some land leased in these counties.  County is the second column I believe and then over a few is the company.


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