Was curious to know if anyone has heard anything on the status of H&M. I heard they are currently leasing and buying throughout SW PA and I am curious where. 

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I received a letter from them a while back maybe 17-18 months. I'm in Beaver county Hopewell & Independence Twps.

Has anything come of that letter?

No wasn't interested.

Landman by the name of Jeffrey Durham going around with a list of mineral right holders in northern Hanover Township, Washington County Pennsylvania within the last two weeks.  Made an initial offer of 7k an acre.  Beware.

That same guy stopped by my property too.  Why should I beware?

Leasing or selling mineral rights? 7k an acre is a good up front bonus payment for a lease, depending on the lease terms, but it is waaayyy low for selling mineral rights - I wouldn't consider selling mineral rights for less than $15k an acre.

Note that I am in Ohio, not PA, so prices may be different, but the principle holds.

ALWAYS have a lawyer review paperwork before signing!

Ive done some fairly in depth research on pricing of minerals in PA and in OH.  Contrary to your statement above, $7,000 in PA is actually a very good offer based on my royalty.  Furthermore, an average price in OH for selling minerals would be $7,000 to $13,000, depending on royalty, and county of course.  


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