Anyone out there know how the horizontal wells that Enervest drilled into the Clinton sandstone in Stark County (Ohio) are doing?

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I have heard 400 barrel per week on Rummel well, but don't hold me to it. production reports should be on odnr web site for 3rd quarter in a month or so. time will tell as ev is keeping a tight lip on production.

ODNR only considers horizontal wells as those being drilled in Utica or Marcellus. All other formations will only have to report yearly production like the verticals. Goofy huh....

Pretty much goofy the way I see it too.

A horizontal bore is a horizontal bore no matter the interval.

Did they frac. those with butane / propane / methane / diluent do you know ?

joe, sand and water like normal vertical well but lots of it


I've been reading that water screws up the Utica rock but guess not the Clinton Sandstone.

Thanks for your input.

funny they are fracing a utica right down the road from me and have over 20 frack water tanks there about to put 300 million gallons of water down the hole for a frack most all wells I know of water is used to fracture the rock

"300 million gallons of water down the hole for a frack"

This number is inaccurate by an order of magnitude.

Kinda what I was thinking. A line of trucks a month long to bring 300 million gallons of water to a well site.

finn, 4 to 5 million gallon of water to frack one Utica well bore. that is roughly 114,000 barrels of water.the water trucks haul 80 barrels. that is roughly 1,425 loads.

Exactly. 300 million gallons would do between 60 and 75 wells.

J-O, please post a link to where you are reading that. Most Utica wells use water as the main ingredient for the frac fluid.


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