My family owns mineral rights on 110 acres in Harrison county, WV and we are in lease negotiations. Does anyone know of any other activity?

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     You may know about the Harrison County, WV Forum.

If not there are some posts under: Your State (See above next to Forum), WV, Harrison County. 

Thanks Ron. I was trying to find more recent activity. Not much in Harrison.

You can go here WV Office of Oil and Gas Permits search and choose Harrison and recent dates and see what is listed.

Thanks Nancy
Hey Todd -

Where at in Harrioson Co and how close to Doddridge Co? I know CNX is doing some things in southern Harrison Co but Antero has started to move west, towards western Doddridge, Richie and Tyler Co's. A few operators like CNX and PDC Mountaineer are later to the game in that area so they are picking areas close to the Rich Gas / Condensate window where Antero and EQT are camped. My family has acreage in Doddridge Co, near Miltus and Antero is pushing us back on their drilling plans to persue areas that are more wet than dry. I think they have limited processing capacity at Markwest's Sherwood facility as they are bringing wells online faster than it can be processed so they would rather have the wells with higher percentage wet gas and condensates online and processing. The line for wet / dry gas is pretty much the border of Harrison and Doddridge Co. If you go to Antero's website, they have an investor presentation that is updated monthly which shows where they have drilled wells and what their acreage holdings are, along with the other producers in the area.

Hope this helps and good luck. Start with 5k per acre, 18% royalty and ZERO deductions with whomever you are negotiating.
Thanks for the info Adam.


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