neighbor got a certified letter said eclipse took over antero oil company leases.  I heard over 59 neighbors south of barnesville , got a certified letter saying eclipse took over there antero leases

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No letter for us yet, we are in guernsey county. 

these come out christmas eve night  could just be a small flip or a fill in the  blanks to drill as eclipse had 80% of the lands around these leased

Id say them old antero leases are about up there aint no wells to hold them yet, so who knows

Why would they buy leases nearing expiration.  They must have some "leftover" money?  Eclipse being a rather new company must have some really good money backing.  Most people thought Antero would be taking over Eclipse.

New year,  new budgets coming should prove interesting!

Antero sold an interest in the leases to Eclipse....they do joint ventures together and since Eclipse is drilling in eastern Guernsey county they are making their units fit.

The leases are in western Belmont county so they fit for units on the border of Guernsey  county...... would be my guess.

Keep in mind that Eclipse bought out Oxford which basically had a ring surrounding Barnesville and considerable acreage to the west.  Then Antero came in in 2013 and bought Barnesville itself as well as Slope Creek.  Their joint holdings are all tangled with each other and Gulfport to a certain extent.  They are going to have to do a lot of swapping.  Gulfport already has drilled a small portion of Antero's Slope Creek acreage.

We on the outside have much to learn about this business.  The Sawyer site in Monroe county  (Ohio) that was left by Eclipse and saying we will be back in 2016 or 2017 is now going forth 2 or 3 permits and work in progress.  L. Kraft site (pad to happen in April then they backed off) now has some Geo info in progress.  Heard info that a drilling company said they will spend a lot of time in Monroe in 2015.


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