We own land in Monroe County in Center Township and received a letter from Gulfport today stating that our lease was sold to EdgeMarc. Has anyone else received this letter and has anyone heard of this company? Thanks for any info!!

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EdgeMarc has a ton of acreage in the Marcellus in PA.

Thanks Dexter! I was hoping for more info from others as well,But I appreciate it.

Edgemarc has acreage in Monroe Co, but I don't know how much.    They do have permits for a couple of wells.    One pad is built on Rt. 800 south of Woodsfield and is visible from the highway.    Is your Center Twp acreage in that area?

I do know they have acreage in Benton twp.  

Thanks Searcherone for info. Our land is off of 800& rt350 by 26. Is that roughly the area that pad is at


Pad is just north of Antioch near where the llama farm is, but opposite side of highway.   I am  positive that it is Perry TWP.   Do you know where the llamas are?

No, no idea where the Llamas are. It seems we are about 10 miles from the llamas though. It's just odd that they bought us since everyone around us was leased to Beck and we where the only ones that didn't go with him. Unless they bought out Beck leases around us as well

Probably Gulfport didn't have enough acreage in your area and with the long drawn out court case with Beck maybe Gulfport didn't want to wait around to see how all that turns out.  

As you may be aware XTO is pretty confident they will win in the Beck case as they have been in Green Township establishing future sites, as many as three sites with seven projected in/near West side Green, most East side of Center.  Would appear they will be ready the moment the case is settled for them.

When Beck leased around us he did run around and put up shallow wells and storage containers on almost all properties in the area. I'm thinking that maybe our neighbors were not in that lawsuit. Btw, what is the minimum acreage needed to put up a Marcellus pad? Thank you all for your imput,

I know the Supreme Court accepted the Beck case. Olive Sue, do you know when it will be heard?     I am guessing  a decision is perhaps a year away.

TG, I was on my way somewhere today which took me by the well pad in Perry TWP and it is an active well site as there are plenty of trailers on the pad and several vehicles exiting the road at shift change.

Rumor also has it that EdgeMarc  is making some donations to charitable causes in Monroe Co.

Thank you for all your imput! I always look forward to any imput you give to people on here! Same goes for you Olive Sue. Always sound logical advise or insight. I also hear that EdgeMarc is donating big time to Monroe County.


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