Where is the bast place to find drilling site maps for herrick township. My husband and I have leased with chesapeake a year and 1/2 ago. We have checked there web-site but it doesn't have it. We don't live near Bradford county so we can't tell what is happening. We called Chesapeake (in may) and was told its a great spot ( sweet spot A++) and will be wonderful soon.??? It sounds like a lot is going on,we only wish info was easier to come by. Not sure what to do next

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While this map is not completely up to date, it will give you some idea of the areas that have heavy activity:

Thanks this does help. It looks like it was updated March of 2009. How much has changed since?
Any new green balloons...smile
This is the State DEP site which lists all the permits for all wells in the state. You can sort it by company or by township. Since Chesapeake has so many you may want to do it by township. We also have leased land in Herrick Township but with another company.
Once you find out if a permit has been applied for near you, you can then go to the Bradford County records and see if a production unit has been established.
Here is a map showing wells drilled up to Oct. 2010. As lest you can see if there are any neer your land.
Hope it helps.


What a great name. Try this


It is from the Bradford County Planning Commission and is updated every few months.
The Planning Commission updated their maps recently and is current to January 11, 2011.
The Planning Commission updated their maps April 11, 2011. See the link above.
Thanks Jeff we still have no idea when we will be in a unit. All we can do is wait


If you signed with Chesapeake you can go to their offices outside Towanda and they will tell you if you are going to be in a unit soon.

Thanks this does help. It looks like alot of activity near our land, we will see. Happy holiday
Thanks Jeff for the up date.
We haven't heard anything from Chesapeake yet but it looks like they are drilling near our land.
Does anyone know how to find out if your land is in a "unit" or do you need to wait for the oil/gas company
To contact you?

Go to this website www.landex.com and click on Webstore Search.  Then click on search.  Choose the county from the menu on the left and then type in a last name and a first name or first intial or an asterik and click search.  On the next page you will see a list of all records related to that name in that county.  If the type is listed as miscellaneous it is likely something related to drilling activity.  Click on the instrument number to get more information.  I played around and typed in names of neighbors for a while.


I did this the other day and to my surprise I saw that I was listed in a unit for a well that is being drilled near our home!  We haven't been notified by the energy company yet but are waiting anxiously to hear from them.


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