Makwest FOX complex and The Rover Pipeline ( Burgettstown Lateral )

Just thought it might be a good idea to follow the progress of these two projects. I think these two projects are going to make our area in South Beaver county and Hancock county get on the map..of course as well as the Shell cracker plant in Monaca.

Gas processing plants spur FirstEnergy projects
Feb 9, 2015, 2:25pm EST Staff Reporter-
Pittsburgh Business Times
Email FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) is making more than $34 million in system improvements to support natural gas processing facilities in Washington County.

The company announced Monday that the biggest of the projects is a new $31 million substation in Washington County for a new gas processing plant near Burgettstown. (Bavington)

FirstEnergy didn't identify the facility, but it's likely that it's MarkWest Energy Partner's Fox complex, which is to be put into service in the first quarter of 2016.The complex will have both processing and de-ethanization capabilities.

That aside, First Energy said it will also spend $1 million to upgrade a Houston, Pa.-area substation that supports another processing plant.

MarkWest, which is the predominant gas processor in southwestern Pennsylvania's shale fields, has a processing complex in Houston.

Additionally, FirstEnergy said it will put $2.3 million into upgrading a 138-kilovolt transmission line running between two substations in Weirton, W.Va., and near Burgettstown.

FirstEnergy said new gas facilities account for 370 megawatts of load growth, enough to provide power to 180,000 new homes.

Sam Kusic covers energy for the Pittsburgh Business Times.
Related links:Oil & gas

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Gary - any idea if it's going in on the eastbound side if 22 at 18 interchange? They took out a lot of trees - something's brewing...
Great idea to start this discussion Gary. So, originally, ETP called it the Hillman Lateral and they were going to put the compression station near Hillman State Park close to Star Lake. Now they're calling it the Burgettstown Lateral and have moved the compressor station a few miles east into Bavington. My property in Hancock used to be closest to mile marker 9, whereas it is now closest to about mile marker 12.
So, the MarkWest Fox Complex natural gas processing and de-ethanization plant must have everything to do with that.
Jason, it's a straight shot north to Nova Chemicals and the Shell Ethane cracker plant from the Bavington MarkWest de-ethanization plant, right? And the right of way is already in place?

Thanks, Todd
Ok, the Fox Complex was formerly known as the Hillman Complex. See page 10:
Todd, that compressor station is already online at Bavington. When built I wondered why is was so large. Now we know.

It sits on the eastbound side of 22 up on a hill. Miller airport area continues to ramp up equipment for pipeline, lots of dozers.


mornin folks
was wondering has anybody else seen some logging equipment on frankfort-clinton road seen a feller buncher right outside of frankfort springs yesterday and someone told me there was another one out by harmon creek road and frankfort -clinton road intersection ideas/ thoughts? and I heard a bunch of chainsaws and heavy equipment yesterday in the vicinity of bennet acres campground aprox 1/2 mile from the miller staging area anybody got any info?  thankx

mornin folks
  Associated pipeline is coming into the area to run a pipeline on the north loop around  the clinton area 21 miles of pipeline or so I am told they are staging at miller industrial park outside of frankfort springs and will  be in the area for aprox 90 days I would like to think this is to tie into the rover line some how some way any body hear any addtionial info? thankx

Hey Todd, Any Information here ?    

Thanks for the important info Mark. If those gathering lines are connected to the Rover, it would be via Markwest's Fox Complex which would separate out the liquids and the resultant dry gas stream would then move west through the Burgettstown lateral of the Rover pipeline. The heavier NGL's would be piped south to Houston, PA to my knowledge.

HA HA .....Todd to the Rescue .....Again......   Thank you , Dear Friend, Todd !!!   Give that Beautiful Baby Girl a Big Kiss for me ???  

Check out pages 12, 13, 18 and 19:
Mark West shows they have our Marcellus contracted on map on page 13. :-)

We'll visit you soon!

Thanks Todd !   Looking foreword to Your visit ! I have a Doll waiting for Samantha !   God Bless you...

hey todd
actually I'm trying to find out which direction they are going to the fox lateral or the the cracker plant down in beaver? they also stock piling aprox 10 of those goofy looking box trailers that I'm informed are used for drilling in some capacity and I'm seeing equipment with the SONIC logo on them any ideas these while they are at miller industrial park (MIP) they are staging near route 18 and not at the old price P/G area



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