What is the current price paid per linear foot?

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Thanks Lori!

I received an offer from Kinder Morgan for the Cochin East Pipeline ROW and permanent easement. This offer is per acre rather than per foot. The property is in Orange Township, Carroll County,Ohio. Has anyone else received an offer for this pipeline?

Historically, transmission line pay less for right of way than they do for a gathering system. This is due to the fact that a transmission line usually has the right of eminent domain and can condemn their route. A gathering line can not condemn and has to buy their way across properties. Of course, if your well is a method of income, it would be to your advantage to be easy since the more production that goes through the gathering line, the more you make. On the other hand, if you do not own the minerals, you can figure what it would cost the company to go around you and use that cost as a good ending place for price. 

50 bucks a foot for a 75 foot wide row with another 50 per each pipeline--I think I done pretty good

What pipeline and company did you sign with?

Thanks, Pete! Was that in Ohio or Pennsylvania?

wv--I`ve dealt with several and give them all the same deal--markwest, marathon, Williams and consol

To those in Tioga Pa, there's lots of activity by SWE offering $15/foot. There are some saying this is the best we can do. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the state there are offers at up to ten times that amount.

From what I gather, in the Liberty area of PA, O&G are looking for real desperate people to agree to ridiculous prices. What we all have to remember is what happened to our $20-$90 per acre leases we signed back in 05 and 06 with "reputable" O&G companies. Two years later many sold our leases for up to $5000/ acre.

So, if we give away a ROW to an energy company for $15/foot, we are giving them an opportunity to make tens of thousands of dollars on us at our expense. Not only that but, when O&G companies sell these right of ways, they get pump age royalties we will never see.

I'm for waiting. I'm not signing a ROW for less than $75/foot/pipeline. I've supplemented the O&G industry enough.

Also, good representation is worth the money. The agreements you make today will last for ever, look at the money you spend as amortized over your life time. Very small investment. Just make sure your counsel is very well versed in O&G.

That is an articulate and rational position. I have been advised that should this go to eminent domain, the court is far more reasonable (generous to land owners) than the Pipeline companies have been. So, if the Land Agent rolls out this tired veiled threat that you had better settle before your property is seized, know that is not a bad alternative to a low-ball offer. Bring it on.

I know several people who were paid a nominal fee up front for signing, and receive a yearly rental/lease payment.

They aren't getting rich but it is long term income.


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