Portage 3 is on the Zimmer caywood A 1 H site . API no. 34-167-297557-0100. Washington county. Fearing twp. There is talk of them moving to county house lane to drill next.

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who is portage3 drilling for


Steve is confused. He means Protege Energy (Website). They have a rig on the Caywood Pad, in Washington County, OH. API: 34-167-29757. 

NOMAC is the contractor for the drilling operations. 


funny he doesn't even know the right  name of the company he signed a lease with

I thought they drilled for them selves. I leased to them this year and their only about 3 miles from me now. They are paying I think that's a good thing for our area I am hearing triad hunter is not paying up

first time I have heard of them   hope they stay afloat in these trying times  a lot of the smaller companies are ending up bankrupt    good luck

Protege energy 111 Sorry I did not put the energy in But you smart people knew who I was talking about but you left out the 111 I got leased got paid and am happy

Are you in the Caywood Unit?

Yes I signed on when the city of Marietta did. Just got on here to try get people in this area keep there hope up and not give up. There is no talk on the Washington county group

portage3 and protégé energy3 ........they are not even spelled the same

I see spell check must have kicked in or I just pushed the wrong buttons on this little cell phone but I am done with this. I do know I took my family on vacation something we have not done in eight years. Bought my wife and daughter a new car. Bought me a new dump trailer , 6 foot tiller , work van, had a new garage built that was finished yesterday ,payed all bills up , fixed every thing that was broke , bought bee hives , chickens , and a couple cows and most of all already payed my taxes in advance. Like I said I am happy with what I did and how I did it and hope others will get to experience what I have .


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