A meeting was had at the county commissioner's conference room today July 20. The meeting was held by Sean O'Brien 63rd district and John Paterson 99th district. The two representatives were seeking public comment to help them produce a new bill on disposal wells. I am woefully ignorant on disposal well regulations, so it was all Greek to me.

  I was surprised at the hostility directed at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. I have only dealt with them once, when Range Resources refused to plug an abandoned well on my property. They issued a plug or produce order, and forced Range to plug the well. It was done in a timely, well for the government, manner, and I was happy.

  To Joseph- Ohio, The meeting was recorded, but no mention was made on how to obtain a copy. You may be able to contact one of the representatives above to obtain a copy.

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Thanks for your post James.

I'll be looking into as many things as I can.

Regarding 'disposal wells'  we understand they can be pretty problematic.

Those are the ones that caused the earthquake fracas in Youngstown a little while ago which is on-going as I understand.

We wouldn't mind a deep horizontal fractured extraction well in our lands but draw the line at disposal wells - not for us.

ODNR we think has too much authority / say-so over private lands in our opinion - forced pooling - forced unitization not at all welcomed with open arms.  Other landowners) I'm thinking feel the same way.  Maybe that has something to do with the atmosphere at the meeting.

Stay in the loop and keep us in your loop too - standing by for any info. you can pass along to us.

Thanks again James.



Any follow-up scuttlebut James ?


  I haven't heard anything specific on this subject. The Farm and Dairy had a couple of articles that were interesting. I also found a group called Network for Oil and Gas Accountability and Protection. I've never heard of them before, and don't have enough information to form an opinion on the group. I can however recommend at least one of their pages titled natural gas leases. http://www.neogap.org/neogap/learn-more-2/leases/. I have not finished reading the entire thing, but what I've been through is quite informative.  

Thanks James.

I'll check out your link and try to compare the info. to the ALOV / SURE Lease Agreement (which I've read reported by others on these pages as the strongest / most landowner cognizant / successfully negotiated Utica Lease Agreement around). However, I've also read it angrily reported on these pages by some that it's terms aren't necessarily being honored and some being argued about in the courts.

Good luck to all of us neighbor - and thanks once again - standing by for any info. you can share.


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