Nov 18 BLM Athens Meeting on Wayne National Forest Disrupted by Anti Frackers

An informational meeting about leasing 31,900 acres of mineral rights for oil and gas development on the Wayne National Forest, including a section in northern Athens County, turned loud and angry Wednesday night as the more than 100 attendees did not find the public forum they expected.

A photo gallery of the event is located here.

Conducted by the federal Bureau of Land Management, the room in the Athens Community Center was set up with a series of stations with informational handouts, representatives from the BLM in Washington and Wayne National Forest locally to answer questions, and maps showing the parts of the forest being considered for leasing to private interests for oil and gas exploration and possible drilling.

But most of those who turned out for the event expected an on-the-record meeting at which they could speak, primarily in opposition to the proposal. When officials explained it wasn't that type of meeting, the group grew restless, shouting questions and comments and waving papers that opponents had distributed.

The opponents, many of them members of Athens County anti-fracking groups, then led chants, and many of the papers were folded into paper airplanes flown at the officials. Signs and banners appeared, though the organizers and law enforcement had told attendees they were not allowed.

Among the group's demands was a public hearing before BLM makes any decision on leasing for fossil-fuel harvesting on the national forest. In this, they echoed a demand they have made to state officials in connection with "fracking" for oil and gas in the region.

Present in a smaller but no less enthusiastic group were proponents of oil and gas drilling on the Wayne National Forest and elsewhere in the region in places where property owners agree to it. This led to loud but not heated discussions between the pro- and anti-fracking contingents.

Some of the proponents are landowners who feel that a continued prohibition on oil and gas development on the national forest effectively rules out much of the private property bordering those federal lands. While most of the land proposed for mineral rights leasing, 18,800 acres, is located in the Marietta Unit of the Wayne forest, 3,150 acres is located in far northern Athens County and part of Perry County. Around 10,000 acres is located in Lawrence County to the south.

Shortly after the event became something of a shouting match, the organizers announced the event was over, and officers herded much of the crowd to the doors. A substantial number remained, many gathering information and asking questions. At one point, a video taken by a witness showed a badged Forest Service officer pushing some drilling opponents with a baton, with Athens Police officers also involved with the crowd. It wasn't clear what instigated the shoving or how it ended. – Athens NEWS Associate Editor David DeWitt and Editor Terry Smith assisted with reporting and writing. DeWitt's full report will be forthcoming Thursday

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Did these people like paying $4.00 a gal. for gasoline, and Propane? I just bought gas for $1.87. and propane is under a dollar!  results of Hydraulic Fracking!

where are you buying propane for under a dollar cheapest I have found is 2.45 a gallon

You have to have your own tank. Thrifty Propane was selling it for $.71 c.   Coshocton

I'm sure they didn't like it, they just don't care to draw connections between these things.


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