Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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That is good news! But I think I won't make that unit...but who knows! They make these units up in all different directions anymore. is this going to be close to county line Beaver side? if you know.

Thanks for information!!

The units are staggered but all oriented the same NW-SE direction. I don't know where county line Beaver side is. I am 9/10ths of a mile west on Putney off of 513.

I hope the rumors are correct David.  I have property east of the McClain well on Putney. There is a well permitted very close to my property.  Hopefully that is the one getting ready to be drilled.

I don't have any information that is concrete, just two different guys who don't know each other telling me the same thing, both landowners.

I don't think anything is getting ready to be drilled, just in the early stages, I believe they have a long window to drill, maybe 2 years on a permit.

I doubt anyone is drilling much of anything at $37 a barrel. I begged Chesapeake to not put ours into production for a few years if that's what it takes for prices to come back up a little.

Where is your place ? You must be out Putney to the east of 513 maybe ?


I agree on the drilling vs price payback. I am 2 miles east of 513. I looked at the well permit that is close to me and it expires this June so I assume if they do not drill they will simply pull a new permit. I believe we met some time ago.  I was out on the road doing some work and you stopped by to introduce yourself.  I believe I still have your business card.

Hope all is going well and Merry Christmas to you and your family.



I do remember, you were on invasive's control, I have done the same thing here.

I would be surprised to see Eclipse allow the permit to expire, I wonder if they can appeal for an extension or what difficulties arise for them to allow it to expire.

I would most expect them to push some dirt around and call the unit in production.

I am told repeatedly now that Eclipse is requesting folks go year to year on the 5 year option but I have not heard of anyone willing to do so.

I have also been told that my lease, the 17.5 acres not with Chesapeake in the McClain unit is now held by Eclipse, who obtained it from Antero, even though I had not notice of any change.

Oh well.

As for the next unit east of the McClain, I wouldn't expect it to go far enough east to catch you, but, I have received no verification that any permit has been pulled although I am shortly going to look into that and other matters with Eclipse.

I think we are better off not being drilled yet anyhow, I prefer we wait until prices recover as they surely will and to have the matter of the NGL royalties settled.

I am curious how you feel about deer hunting this year so far ?

I hunt the big farm on Willow some, the one with the real high knob and the red barn. I would rate our hunt as putrid, the last two years are the very lowest of my 36 years deer hunting.

Take care,


The deer hunting has definitely gone down hill over the past couple of years.  I hear a good amount of shooting at night so I think the poaching continues.  I and my neighbors are trying to manage the herd to allow the bucks to reach 3 years or older and unfortunately the weekend hunters and poachers cannot see the big picture.  We do not see as many does as we used to as well.  Hopefully it gets better with the recent 2 deer limits.

The state has butchered the deer hunt terribly. 10 years ago it was a top 5 in the nation.

It would seem that at least one stage of the fracking process is complete, or maybe the entire stage, because the noise from the pumps and the constant hauling of sand in and out have been gone for a few days now at the McClain pad.

Let's hope, the noise from the pumps rattled my bedroom floor and the dust is on everything.

Their completely done now. With all 7 of the new wells
Now we wait for flowback and flairing.

I heard that Eclipse has decided that they will follow Chesapeakes shananigans and start charging landowners for post production costs,even when the leases say Gross. They have even stopped the royalty payments to some who have been getting paid on a gross payment. They are claiming that the landowners owe THEM $$$ now, so they will withhold royalty payments until this $$$ is paid back to them.. Don't know for sure,but I bet they are using the "at the wellhead" wording to stick it to them. Why not? CHP. has been getting away with it!


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