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My latest OpEd - share it on Facebook!

The moment anyone mentions fracking, the technology’s detractors, some call them “Fracktivists,” show up to spread fear about it. They claim fracking poisons drinking water, damages the environment, and promotes the use of “dirty” oil and natural gas. Well, it’s becoming quite difficult to remain a credible Fracktivist these days. Their agenda of fear and distortion was dealt another blow this week.

On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency science advisers (SAB) reiterated the agency’s findings that there is no “widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water” from hydraulic fracturing operations. Environmentalists had been using SAB criticisms of the EPA’s fracking report to cast doubt on the report’s findings. However, no doubt, if the Fracktivists have shown us anything, it’s that they are savvy, nimble and creative. Look for them to once again repackage their Frackingstein-like horror stories to continue their war on fossil fuels.

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Enjoyed the Op-Ed.

It's not about facts it's not about truth it's about the end game; the goal. The use of lies, misinformation, hyperbole and rumor are all ok to  use because the end justifies the means.

The end game is de-growth. Taking our society and economy back to at least the late 1960's.

The main way to do this is to restrict the use of fossil fuels. And the development of shale deposits threw a major monkey wrench into the process of reaching that goal.

The objective of de-growthers/fractivists is to make fossil fuels so expensive so that we are forced to use less. At the same time this would make alternatives competitive, which they currently are not.

However, much to the chagrin of our fractivist friends, heretofore oil and gas locked in shale deposits are available and abundant making their price inexpensive. This has been made possible thanks to the application of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in the development of shale deposits.

Well, the de-growthers won't stand for this. Thus the all out assault on "fracking"(they use the term as an all inclusive description of shale development). And, as I stated above, the use of misinformation, distortions, half truths, rumors, and yes, even lies are all acceptable because of their belief that they are fighting a righteous battle.

Just look at the posts of the resident fractivist (P.H.) on your site as a perfect example. Nothing but nonsense.

So you are correct, they will regroup, repackage their lies and attack once again.

BTW, besides the EPA study the University of Cincinnati just finished a study in eastern Ohio which found no link between hydraulic fracturing and ground water contamination.

The fractivist fools are searching desperately for meaning in their lives.  Saving the earth from certain destruction gives their lives meaning.  The fact the entire threat is a scam is not something they are able to face.  That reality would destroy their fantasy, leaving them once again staring blankly and hopelessly into the abyss.


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