Methane in the water near Dimock PA Susquehanna County) has been known since 1789.

"Methane has existed in water wells in Susquehanna County long before any gas drilling came to the area. If the plaintiffs’ wells had issues prior to Cabot drilling wells nearby, as everyone has conceded is the case, it very likely could have been naturally occurring methane that was always present or migrated as a result of some other activity on the property or nearby. One way to prevent this would be to properly install a water well, "

Check out the two attached articles for more information.

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Barry D, good article,I don't think Josh Faux read that one. 


I'm sure he read it, but like Paul Faux, on this site, facts don't interest him.

Barry,I own land in Tioga co. Pa.Back in 2009 I signed my first lease,one of my neibghors couldn't lease his ground because he didn't own the mineral rights.He was a liitle upset he couldn't lease his land.So he lashed out at me and said if you get a well on your property it better not pollute my water well.I said why would that happen how deep is your water well.He said they dug it with a back hoe.I'll never forget that a back hoe.

That's a hoot!  Sounds to me as if your neighbor fully deserves to be drinking the water from that well, dug with a backhoe!!  Gosh that's funny!  Course it's not funny having a jackass for a neighbor.  Anything could happen next.  Ya can't fix stupid.

This ridiculous judgement either should be set aside or, upon appeal, certainly overturned.

The plaintiffs stated numerous times BEFORE drilling began that their well water was substandard.

The clincher was the isotopic fingerprinting PROVING the methane in the Ely's water was NOT from Cabot's well.

Go figger.


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