Last week I received a letter stating that all five of my acres (wish it were 500, but I don't have but 5) will be included in a well about a 1/4 mile behind my property.

Today I received a letter in the mail from GES (Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.) requesting permission to test my water.  I am promised a copy of the test results.  They are working for Chesapeake, who holds my mineral rights.  Any reason NOT to allow this?  I have the feeling it's okay, but thought you all might have a reason I should hear.  Please advise.



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It's a free water test and will provide a baseline incase anything happens. I strongly recommend you do it. If something happens Chesapeake is required to fix your water back to pre-drilling results or EPA water quality standards, whichever is better.

You can type "water testing" in the search box and a list of discussions will come up. Some recommend that you also have your own water tests done. They're not testing for your safety but for their own legal protection. Which makes good business sense, of course.

I just went through this process.  Everything turned out first class and as promised . . . . 

but then, I'm not leased with Chesapeake.  Good luck.  I hope you do not need it.

In Ohio Frack water can't get into well water, since Fracking has been declared safe by an out of state study. I wonder if they talked to my neighbor who called the ODNR in the fall due to a change in his well water taste, probably the cows in his pond again. Woops, he has no cows and no pond.

I hear PA didn't declare Fracking safe so landowners are having frack water show up in their wells.

The news has recently included stories about Australia's well water being ruined by Fracking, but they don't have the same protection we have in Ohio with the ODNR. The ODNR approves everything Chesapeake needs to have their way with Our State, including using the Honor System of well production reporting and requiring No NGL Quarterly reporting. 

I had this done for a future pad. Received a very thorough printout of the test. Good to have in case something happens.


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