This appeared April 26 in a Bangkok, Thailand newspaper.  Thought it interesting that it lists several products that will be produced.

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Take a look at your Royalty Statements.

If producers are admitting there are NGLs at your well, they are paying you 0 to 18 cents a gallon before processing fees cancel that royalty payment and part of your Oil & Gas royalty payment.

NGLs couldn't be cheaper, so why would we expect NGLs to be cheaper in 2017?

Here's why. After your producer takes your NGLs out of the state they are sold at Fair Market Value.

SURE and ALOV leases require Royalty Payments based on this final sale, not the phony sign over of our well products to Chesapeake Marketing.

Ohio is being fleeced by Chesapeake and other producers.

House Bill 540 will return $30,000,000 from Severance Taxes to "Effected Communities" where the Oil & Gas came from.

Note the $30,000,000. Any amount over $20,000,000 will be returned to Communities. This tells us the severance tax has generated $50,000,000 in 2015. This is a portion of a small Severance Tax on Oil & Gas only.

With no Severance Tax on NGLs and no royalty being paid for NGLs, the loss to Ohio is rolling well into the Billions.

Indictments of those responsible will eventually come.

A theft of this magnitude, affecting thousands of Ohio landowners and all of Ohio Citizens no longer needs to remain a secret. Trump get the White House, while johnny tries to avoid the Big House.


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