A recently released study claims to have found an association between fracking/shale development and low birth weight of infants.

Except that the authors of the study admit the following:

The study was only EXPLORING POTENTIAL pollution, not ACTUAL exposure. Well, if infants were not ACTUALLY exposed to fracking/shale development, how could that be the cause of low birth weight?

Further: the authors admit that they did not find pathways between pollution, related to shale development and new born infants. Then how could shale development be the cause of low birth weight?

As usual, this study is just more of the Chicken Little Syndrome promoted by the anti shale development fractivists.

Shout it loud enough, long enough and people will believe you (even without facts).

The Sky Is Falling!  The Sky Is Falling!  The Sky Is Falling!

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I notice that Paul has viewed this post 23 times.

Thanks Barry D for the insight.

Come on Paul!

Certainly you can refute Barry D's post with more 'scientific studies' that omit certain details. You know, all those studies that fit the narrative of the 1%ers who profit from the 'sky is falling' anthropogenic climate change scare tactics.

One day the revelation will come to you that you have been a member of a VERY large herd of sheep, unable to find the truth in all the nonsense proliferated by those taking grants from the billionaire left, to further their chosen cause of 'global warming'. They take the grant money, with the knowledge that the result of their research had better line up with the grantors' vision.

Baaa, Baaa, Baaa

Is that you Paul?


The sad things is, that I pulled those examples right from the info Paul posted.

It's sad, he continue to post things he has never read.

I know....and therein lies the problem with the Green Side. They read the headline, which is just that....the headline, It contains the attention grabbing negative emphasis. They know no one will actually read the paper. It is accepted as truth....very sad indeed that we have so many educated people that do not exercise their intellect.

As long as it lines up with their narrative, they do not bother to fact check. There will never be any 'true unbiased' research in a Global Warming paper, as the vast majority of those papers are posted at the 'pay per post' sites. No reputable journal would have them.


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