To all you Geology Buffs out there:

What can you tell us about this formation?

Does anyone know of any wells drilled into it anywhere yet?

Where is it and how big of an area does it cover?

How prospective is it thought to be and for what? (gas,oil,ngl)

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I remember hearing a year or so ago that the Utica was over-cooked for NGLs, not for dry gas.  I haven't been involved with oil and gas in Appalachia since the beginning of horizontal drilling though, so that information may have been kicking around before I got out of law school.

I have been keeping my eyes on the TBR for a couple years, though.  I figured it would take them a while to get to it since the Marcellus and Utica were, as you say, "cheep".  I'm also keeping my eyes on the Rogersville Shale, which is even deeper if I recall correctly.

Also, if you haven't heard, there's the Big Injun and some of the old oil formations that are getting some interest from horizontal drillers.  They're hoping to get oil out of them.  That would be really interesting, since they're even shallower than the Marcellus/Burket and would produce a more valuable product.

I can't wait to see what else they go after in the next few years.  How many formations can they get gas or oil from?  I have a feeling that it's going to be a lot.

That's very interesting about the oil in Big Injun being accessed horizontally. Do you know if someone is doing it or just talking about it? They took a lot of oil from WV a hundred years ago. Good to think maybe they might get some more??

Here is Figure from an older publication that indicates the area east and north east of Wetzel County as "Overmature".

If memory serves, did the O&G companies discover shale gas drilling for the TBR back in 06?

Antero is building a pad in Beaver Twp., Noble County, Ohio along St. John's Road.  Heard it was a test well for the Trenton Black River.  

I haven't seen the permit application on ODNR's site yet.

Back when we were running out of natural gas - those crazy 1990's and early 2000's the government through the EIA and GRI commissioned a number of studies which were included in their assessments.  One of those studies focused on the Trenton Black River, WVU has an entire webpage dedicated to that study:

It has the full report and all the supporting information - several hundreds of pages of data, maps, etc.

you can also go to the WV map webserver and look up wells by a number of characteristics:

Thanks, very interesting.

I`m looking for an update on the Trenton Shale Gas potential.   Have there been any new wells drilled in SW & Central PA, and if so, by which gas company?   Is the Trenton layer more prone to have water in it?   Thanks! 

My understanding is Trenton Black River isn’t shale gas. 

You might be correct.   I see it shown as a shale layer as well as a limestone formation.   Any knowledgeable folks out there to clarify which is accurate?   Also, if it is a limestone formation, would it be more prone to have a water component?

I was hoping OT you would see this posting.   I appreciate your knowledge & insights.  With these pockets of gas it sounds like there could also be pockets containing brine water.   Would these pockets of gas or water be difficult to chart and be a surprise when hit?   Would a gas company be taking a huge risk entering into the TB with a horizontal lateral?   Thanks!

My understanding about deep subterranean geology is that its hot and under high pressure down there. If there were brine, it would be vaporized when the gas comes under great pressure to the surface.


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